Sunday 10 January 2016

Well done! Great story!

Helen Pidd of the Guardian was back on the BBC Breakfast sofa this morning. She wasn't reviewing the newspapers this time, but was actually 'the story'. 

Though a single woman, she's allowed a married male Muslim Syrian refugee, Yasser al Jassem, to live with her until the rest of his family (a wife and baby) arrives. 

There's been a few comic misunderstandings, but everything's turned out delightfully - except that Yasser hasn't found a job yet.

Helen does think though that the government [ie taxpayers] should give free intensive English lessons to all refugees, but still, otherwise it was heart-warming stuff, and the BBC presenters (especially Naga) seemed tickled pink by it:
Naga Munchetty: Yasser, we wish you all the best and, Helen, good luck! And well done! Thank you very much. 
Ben Thompson: We'll keep you updated on their story as we find out more about it, but until then...yeah, great story!
Who needs a full English breakfast to warm your innards when there's BBC Breakfast to do it for you?

When the film is made of this lovely story (by Richard Curtis?), who would play Yasser? Hugh Grant would have been good, but we aren't in the days of It Ain't 'Alf Hot Mum! so that wound't be allowed, so it would have to be an Middle Eastern Hugh Grant impersonator then. And as for who could play Helen Pidd, it would obviously have to be Eddie Redmayne. Sorted.


  1. As it's compulsory for Julie Walters to appear in every British film as long as she is alive, she would have to take on the role of Helen Pidd, age difference to be ignored. No scrub that, make Jane Horrocks Helen and Julie Walters can be her worried mum who eventually comes round to the gentlemanly charms of the chilvarous Yasser. The father, will obviously be more difficult to win round because he is a stupid (non-ethnic) man. Toby whathisname will do as he is in everything now as well.

  2. Of course, the story does illustrate the truth that letting in one (illegal migrant) means increasing your population by at least five as wives, children and "dependent" relatives are brought in and more children are born.


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