Friday, 22 April 2016

BBC apology (2)

Further to another earlier post, the BBC has also apologised today for that Radio 4 'comedy' programme last night that joked about the Queen's sex life and her going to the toilet:


  1. Wow! These apologies are coming fast. Can we now have one for gross pro-Remain bias from Mark Mardell, Martha Kearney, Laura Kuennsberg, Evan Davies and Norman Smith (to name a few). BTW - Isn't it amazing that the BBC, which can find fault with virtually all aspects of American foreign policy, on the question of Obama's pro-Remain stance, seems to have abandoned all their critical faculties? Why this sudden Meeky Mouse performance by our fearless inquisitors? Odd...

    1. It's their beloved Obamessiah, so anything He says is gospel. National sovereignty is so out-dated, don't you think? By His word, He shall heal the nations.

    2. BBC One's News at Six had John Pienaar doing the main report. He was unbelievably gushing. It was almost as if he was reporting on a happy royal occasion.

  2. It's easier to ask forgiveness later than for permission first and be denied the fun, right? They knew, didn't care, got called out, resent the public more now. 'Twas ever thus.

  3. Is it not time again for a senior BBC talent to misspeak, then apologise sincerely, when referring to a Westminstet Hunt? The Tory one, not the Labour one.

  4. I didn’t hear any of the jokes, so I can’t comment directly. As a general rule I don’t have a problem with irreverence in comedy, but what I do object to, most strongly is hypocrisy and cowardice. We would never hear this kind of comedic attack directed to any of the left’s sacred cows. Heaven forbid that anyone might make a joke about Islam.

    1. Well said. They're so proud of themselves for speaking truth to power, but the Queen has none. The last person who made jokes about BBC sacred cows is about to launch his new show on Amazon.


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