Sunday 9 March 2014

Who's a Naughtie boy then?

You may recall, from today's first post, that The Sunday Times has been reporting that Today's James Naughtie has been reprimanded (by Fraser Steel, the BBC's Head of Editorial Complaints) for plugging a friend's commercial business on the Today programme.

Thanks to genealogist Debbie Kennett's comment on that very post, I think a good deal more can be added to that...

....and for that something extra you need only go to two of the links which Debbie herself provided:
If you are interested in the subject of BBC bias, please read them closely, as there's a whiff of genuine dynamite about them. 

The charge against James Naughtie's friend Alistair Moffat, managing director of BritainsDNA, is that he's a 'genetic astrologer', a pseudoscience snake-merchant. 

Whether he is or not, the BBC's James Naughtie's friendship with Mr Moffat has certainly raised serious concerns about the Today presenter's impartiality, leading (as per The Sunday Times) to this recent rebuke from the BBC itself for the Today presenter's behaviour...

...and, according to Debbie, the BBC's investigation against James Naughtie is still ongoing, so worse may yet be to come for him.

All I would beg readers of this blog to do is to simply listen to the three Today interviews James Naughtie conducted with his friend Alistair Moffat [see below], and judge for yourselves whether it sounds like impartial broadcasting at its very best to you or, instead, whether it sounds like an impartiality-busting case of a top BBC presenter giving his friend plug after plug... plus some of the easiest rides Today has ever given a guest (three time over)....
The words (and phrases) 'chummy', 'full of laughter' and 'challenge-free' spring to mind, don't they?

So what's going to become of Jim Naughtie as a result of all this? What will the BBC do to him? Will he be gone from our airwaves soon? 

Time will tell...and, apparently, the BBC will publish their final judgement on Jim's actions here some time in the next few weeks. 

So watch this space.


  1. Well, well,well. That is naughty, isn't it? A stern admonishment, an on air mea culpa perhaps, but carry on Jim would be my prediction.

  2. Well, well,well. That is naughty, isn't it? A stern admonishment, an on air mea culpa perhaps, but carry on Jim would be my prediction.

    1. I think the way they seem to be handling Sarah Montague's 'misleading' of 'Today' listeners is probably a guide to how they'll deal with this. She's received a quiet word in the ear. He might receive a slightly louder one.


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