Thursday, 25 August 2016

Strictly Come Mocking

In other news, the BBC is about to make a one-off 'mockumentary' about a well-known political figure who has recently retired from the scene. 

The actor portraying the aforesaid politician calls him "a gift for parody".

Ah, how I'm looking forward to What a Balls Up! - a hilarious spoof on the fall and rise of Ed Balls, one minute losing his seat in the 2015 general election, the next reappearing (like a tangoing phoenix) on the BBC's Strictly Come Dancing. 

The Radio Times is reporting that the show will include an angle which focuses on his marriage to pixie-like failed Labour leadership candidate Yvette Cooper. 

If only...and of course not. 

In reality, it's all about Nigel Farage. Apparently, they are going to make him part-Basil Fawlty, part-Enoch Powell (and you can guess where that's going to go).

And yes, alas, apparently his wife really will be brought into the mockery too.

Which other well-known politician would the BBC do this to? 

Astonishingly, reports even say "If the episode is a success it could be given the green light to be turned into a full series".

Just imagine that with your 'BBC impartiality' hats on!

Unsuspecting readers might still be hoping that this is a merely a bit of very black satire on our part, but, unfortunately, it isn't. The BBC really are intending to do this.

The BBC are truly beyond parody.