Thursday 29 September 2016

Stuff the BBC hasn’t noticed

Shami Chakrabarti is set to join Jeremy Corbyn’s Shadow Cabinet as the Shadow Attorney General, it has been reported. Yes, it has been reported in the Telegraph, The Independent, the Daily Mail, New Statesman and Politics Home, but not on the BBC. 


Jackie Walker is causing quite a stir by making a fresh batch of antisemitic comments  so soon  after a remarkably swift reinstatement to the Labour party, having been briefly suspended for making antisemitic comments.  There is speculation that her (and her partner’s) long-standing friendship with Jeremy Corbyn might have something to do with it. 
(The BBC hasn’t noticed.)


Various tributes to Shimon Peres on the BBC have included some unpleasant and ill-informed content, but remembering all the negativity when Margaret Thatcher passed away I suppose one could say that the 93 year old Israeli elder statesman got off lightly. 
It was a surprise to hear one particular tribute that actually seemed straightforward and sincere. It was Giles Fraser on Thought for the Day. Who’d have thunk?

(Must have snuck it past the BBC while they weren’t looking)


  1. For the last FOUR WEEKS the BBC didn't notice there was a trial happening at Leeds Crown Court. They hardly noticed at all when the 4 men were found guilty of child sex abuse two days ago.

    But they did notice, and shout quite loudly about it, that two WHITE men were thought to have sexually abused a girl in Oxford.

  2. So, how long do we think Corbyn can use Baroness Shami of Whitewash as a talisman against charges of anti-Semitism in Labour? Andrew Neil called her out, but he's basically an anomaly at the BBC. It's odd that car-crash interviews on his show get lots of play on Guido's site, the Spectator, etc., while segments from Marr's show are what set the BBC's news agenda.

    No, no, not odd....what's the word I'm looking for? Oh - typical.

  3. BBC #editorialimtegrity is a complex, nuanced thing, with tricky calls on best uses of time and space on the world's biggest broadcast network often seeing certain things sadly unreported.

  4. Something that did slip through the net (not sure if it was the BBC news), was the highlighting of various members of the Shadow Cabinet who have sent the children to private schools despite Labour’s outrage over grammar schools. The Baroness was apparently seen taking her son to the Eton entrance examination. She does seem to get rattled rather easily.

  5. I fail to see anything remotely anti-semetic in any of Jackie Walkers comments? Have any of you actually taken the time to review them in context? It seems to me people are not able to think for them selves and instead are accepting without question the biased propaganda being peddled by the MSM and centre left.

    1. It is anti-Semitism not anti-semetism. Maybe you have the same problem as Jackie Walker when she tweeted “All holocaust denial is acceptable” and then claimed it was a typo.

    2. Welcome Troll - You do realise coming to a site like this and suggesting we believe the centre left and MSM (i.e the BBC!) and that we form our opinions from it is kind of ironic!

      Newsflash there will never be a solution in Israel, one side does not want peace until the other side is utterly destroyed. Anybody who denies this hasn't read the Quran.

    3. Anonymous,
      You feel that if Jackie Walker’s remarks were taken in context they would not be interpreted as antisemitic?

      Here’s the context:
      Under Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, antisemitism in the Labour Party is in the spotlight, with very good reason.
      In this context Jackie Walker’s unguarded, clumsy and ill-informed comments are undermining Corbyn’s desperate claim that there’s “no room for racism in the Labour Party.”

      If you are a member of Momentum shouldn’t you be trying to decontaminate that image, as for example, Andy Newman is doing?

      The vile comments that some of Corbyn’s supporters have fired at Cathy Newman are an absolute disgrace.

  6. Did anyone hear the wonderful Gillian Reynolds on the World at One today (Friday 30/09/2016). It is well worth a listen and statrts at 20.11 into the programme. She was criticising the appointment of James Purnell, former Blairite cabinet minister, as head of BBC Radio.She easn't happy and made the two Conservative M.P.s who followed her sound quite inarticulate.

    Christopher Scopes

    1. Yes, I heard that sat in the car park at work this lunchtime. Gillian R was absolutely devastating about James Purnell's unsuitability. And you're quite right about her putting her points across far better than either politician. Her anecdote about being bored rigid by a vacuous James Purnell BBC-related speech isn't to be missed either.


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