Sunday 25 November 2018

“A slightly intimidating head girl”

Fiona the Bruce

The Sunday Times has a short biography of Fiona Bruce to mark her coming accession to the Dimbleby throne on Question Time. Who knew she's spent time at the Greenham Common peace camp? And how did she come to get a job at the BBC? Well, apparently, it's a case of 'it's not what you know but who you know':
Fiona Bruce was born in Singapore, where her father had worked his way up from postboy to regional managing director at Unilever. She went to school in southeast London and then to Oxford, where she spent time at the Greenham Common peace camp and was rather “chippy”. As she once recalled: “I met someone with a title on my first day, Baronet von Something, and I thought: who are these people who have just waltzed into Oxford? I don’t want to hang out with these people.” 
So it’s piquant that she partly owes her success to her social connections. Frustrated with her early career in, first, management consultancy and then advertising, she met Tim Gardam, then editor of Panorama, at a wedding. He offered her a job and her journey to Question Time had begun.

1 comment:

  1. Our sons were born in Singapore, so with luck a lucrative career awaits. Half 'Asian' too, if I suspect the wrong kind of Asian for the fast tracks with some HR depts.

    Just wanted to share this (sorry Sisyphus):

    It is rather a fun read. I wonder how his cheeks withstood the tongue pressure here:

    "The Beeb is, of course, a bastion of female solidarity. We can, therefore, presume that both Kirsty and Emily will be delighted for their female colleague."


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