Monday 4 October 2021

The BBC goes too far in point-scoring in drama even for 'The New Statesman'

I don't watch many [i.e. any] BBC dramas these days but heard Radio 4's Sunday plugging BBC One's Ridley Road yesterday.

The Sunday interview about Jewish people standing up to fight fascism in the UK in and around the 1960s was interesting but left a lot of questions unanswered, including how big a threat the far-right actually was back then. 

And on hearing the segment I suspected that the BBC would draw modern parallels, and that those parallels wouldn't even hint at Corbynite Labour / Muslim antisemitism.

I see from the New Statesman that my suspicions of present day political point-scoring appear justified.

The New Statesman says that Ridley Road “inadvertently glamourizes neo-Nazis” by taking the National Socialist Movement “far too seriously.”

It also says that “the script strains predictably hard for parallels with our own times” - and adds “you will hear the words 'we want our country back' more than once”.

So I think we can gather from that that this BBC drama went too far even for the New Statesman in trying to score present-day political points, including about Brexit.

I'll have to trust The New Statesman on this, because I won't be watching it.

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