Monday 10 October 2016


I took advantage of last night’s insomnia by switching on the TV and watching two adults acrimoniously slagging each other off for our entertainment. (Not the Jeremy Kyle show)

This morning various organs of the MSM presented their own special selections of the ‘best bits’.
Early on, the BBC chose clips that made Hillary look good, whereas right-leaning media highlighted Trump’s mini victories, such as when Hillary constructed a cavernous own goal, saying something like: “Thank goodness Donald isn’t in charge of the law” to which he quickly replied, “Yes, because you’d be in jail” 

As the day wore on, I think the BBC did become more balanced but I’m open to other ideas on that.

For me, the most obvious take-away was that - for both contenders - it was a damage limitation exercise, in Trump’s case a matter of urgency, since  locker-roomgate was fresh in our faces, while the world has had more time to absorb Hillary’s misdemeanours. 

Hillary accused Trump of ‘deflecting’, which he certainly was - how could he not? - but seemed unaware that she was doing exactly the same. 
At one point she brought up the good advice of her friend Michelle Obama - “When they aim low, we aim high”. A Sky News reporter confused the mere act of stating this virtuous aspiration with actually achieving it, when in reality Hillary continually fired off a number of ‘low blows’ of her own.

Throughout the show, Trump prowled around the arena in a menacing and deliberately intimidating manner, creepy clown style. 

Afterwards Trump supporters remained resolute and unmoved, as did Hillary supporters.


  1. I don’t relish the idea of either Trump or Clinton at the head of the free world. But what the liberal/left are unable or unwilling to address is that it is precisely because of them that Trump is a Presidential candidate.

    1. Very well put. My view too.

    2. Seconded. The utter loathing for of the public for the manipulations of the media trying to foist their preferred candidates on them, and the utter desperation of the attempts to smear those they wish to prevent, has turned politics of the least bad voting on its head. It's not who you favour most any more, it's hurting who you despise.

  2. The bias of the MSM and the BBC in particular of course is shown by their reluctance to deal with the specifics of Clinton's misdemeanours e.g. the allegations that she led the campaign against the (numerous!) female accusers of Bill Clinton, or that she's lied about the state of her health or about the way she operated the Clinton Foundation or the truth about her e mails. Any Trump remarks on these points are left kind of decontextualised whereas his misdemeanours are given full context...Why for instance don't the BBC ever play the tape of Clinton laughing about the rape case where she defended the accused?

  3. Is it me or have the BBC, Remain politicians and left leaning MSM gone into overdrive with the Anti Brexit campaign today?

    1. Desperate times mean the desperate react desperately. It's in their DNA

    2. Too. The BBC are strong advocates of the 'tell it often enough' school of props.. 'news'.

    3. The BBC seems to have forgotten how to report a news item without having their own biased opinions applied to it. How often do we hear: 'There has been angry reaction to the Government proposal that .... as our correspondent now explains'? The reporting is very often about the predictable BBC reaction to a news story rather than to the news itself. This is especially prevalent with the EU Referendum vote, and now with the US Presidential elections. Nearly all BBC reporting on both these topics is of doom-laden indignation and negative speculation pronounced in a 'one side is right' certainty on the subject. Most unhelpful. It appears we must all share the same views, as, if we seek to disagree, we are labelled by the BBC as racist, misogynistic, parochial, old-and-out-of-touch, unintelligent, probably from up-north etc etc.

    4. I can happily recommend Norman Smith's contribution on PM today around 5.15 as the very epitome of BBC impartiality - i.e. thoroughly in favour of the BBC consensus, which in the case of the EU Exit means "Preferably put a stop to Brexit now but if we can't have that then something like what Norway's got."

      Well done Norm! Another one in the bag.


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