Sunday 23 October 2016

Open Thread

Now things will be a bit quieter here for a while, so here's another Open Thread for any thoughts you might have on BBC-bias-related matters.

You wait months for an Open Thread and then two come along at once.


  1. 'Banks to move their HQ s from London following Brexit' the BBC News website has been saying. I thought the bankers were always well ahead of the curve. If that is their intention, why haven't they moved already? We have always been told that London is the global centre of the financial world. I never heard of London being referred to as the centre of the EU in any way let alone the financial capital.

    No, my guess is that they will stay put. They will have already made mega-bucks out of speculating on the fall of the £ in the global market, and the rise in the Footsie 100 which was predictable as an outcome of the falling £.

    With the licence to print money here in London, why would they want anything to be different? This is yet more scare-mongering from the BBC because they haven't yet come to terms with the Leave vote and they are still looking for ways in which to derail Brexit.

    1. The success of London depends on trading all currencies - not the Euro alone. Why would the banks in London restrict their options by tying themselves to the EU and the Euro?

  2. What does "moving your HQ" mean in this day and age? We know companies like Apple and Starbucks play fast and loose with the HQ concept for tax reasons.

    In the modern era, they could easily "move" 1,000 staff from London to Paris without physically moving anyone.

    I suspect they are making provisional plans and are also using it as a method of pressurising the UK government to ensure some feather-bedding for the banks, post-Brexit.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The most recent mention of Nissan on the BBC website is dated 21st October. The article tells us that the decision whether to build the new Nissan Qashqai at the Sunderland plant is to be taken next month. It speaks of some optimistic noises from the company, but ends by reminding us that, 'Businesses have been concerned that Britain is headed towards a "hard Brexit" which would leave it outside the EU...' Yesterday's (23rd October) Sunday Telegraph tells us that Nissan has,in fact, confirmed that the Qashqai will be built in Sunderland. Has the BBC forgotten to report this, or is it waiting for a busy day on which to bury the good news?

  5. Pre leave you could debate whether the Beeb was biased on a particular subject, it was, but you could debate it.

    Post leave no chance the Beeb is on overdrive. 52% of the voting population can now see how bad they are.


    On today's BBC News website is an article on 'The Housing Crisis'. A couple earning £58,000-00 between them might not be able to afford a flat in - wait for it - Islington. Horror of horrors!

    This type of output shows just how far out of touch with the rest of the country the BBC has become. The London left-wing opinion seems to have become the be-all-and-end-all so far as the producers of this piece were concerned. The young couple are portrayed as intelligent, ambitious, but frustrated by their dilemma (they might need to move south of the river).

    Islington is where they would rather be.

  7. As headlines with Brexit in them from certain quarters always entertain, I thought this one was rather good:

    1. Yea I saw that - if you fancy a laugh go read the comments, there's a lot of self righteous people wishing for economic Armageddon to prove themselves right.

    2. Sadly, usually those isolated from the consequences by various funding arrangements; often unique.

  8. Always the same sour, mean-spirited response to any good news! Still waiting for both Guardian & BBC to announce what Telegraph told us yesterday morning:Sunderland will not be losing Nissan Qashqai production to the Continent.


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