Tuesday 31 December 2013

Immigration: Good for Whom?

Incidentally, Radio 4 will be broadcasting an immigration debate tomorrow night - also provoked, no doubt, by the end on border controls on Romanians and Bulgarians - called Immigration: Good for Whom? 

The programme's website blurb states, "In the past year, two leading liberal thinkers have published controversial books warning against the dangers of excessive levels of immigration." The programme will feature both of those "liberal thinkers" - Prof Paul Collier of Oxford University and David Goodhart from the Demos think tank. 

Against them will be pitted Nazek Ramadan of Migrant Voices and Susie Symes, Chair of the Museum of Immigration and Diversity - two other voices from the "liberal" (i.e. left-wing) side of the political spectrum, albeit with a rather different take on immigration. 

The debate promises therefore to be neatly balanced between two wary left-wing supporters of mass immigration and two enthusiastic left-wing supporters of mass immigration. That's classic BBC impartiality for you. 

Sounds unmissable.

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