Sunday 10 May 2015

Galloway the litigious

Ah. So that's what they were talking about on Sky News just now.


  1. Is he suing 'Dead Ringers' and David Dimbleby?

  2. Galloway the Litigious, be praised! May the light of 72 virgins illuminate his glorious path to victory over the crusaders' accursed democracy!

  3. Why won't the odious slimebag just stay down? Why doesn't he just FOAD?

  4. Trying to deflect the heat he's feeling over illegally tweeting an exit poll result before the polls had closed, perhaps? This will just be an excuse for the BBC to give him more publicity oxygen.

  5. Given 'discussing' in public is about all he has ever had, and in litigation the only folk who win are lawyers, I'd say a period of further silence from George is simply another welcome result.


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