Saturday 30 May 2015

No cultish refusal here

Nick Cohen, denouncing people like us for our "cultish refusal to allow one good word to be said about the corporation", must have missed Is the BBC biased? (I know. It's not exactly hard to miss us, is it?). We've praised good BBC programmes from the start.

And, despite fleeting qualms about its "protected species" badger coverage (in the light of the must-discussed cull of badgers over TB in cattle), I'm happy to add my voice to the chorus on praise for this year's Springwatch on BBC Two

Part of the reason I was so quiet, blog-wise, last week was that I was watching Springwatch and Springwatch Unsprung.

I'd gladly subscribe to such BBC broadcasting. It is world-beating stuff.

Oh, but shouldn't I be mining it for bias though? Those boring, pretty-looking yet scentless Spanish bluebells invading our south coast, weren't they BBC propaganda persuading us to accept mass immigration (as I've seen said)? Was the programme's favourable coverage of urban pigeons proof of some kind of BBC bias too (despite Chris Packham's disdain for pigeons, as reported here last year)? Was the programme proselytising over micro-plastics and their ingestion by all manner of animals - from plankton to something else beginning with 'p'- propagandist? And, gosh, a couple of guests also mentioned climate change, so is that evidence of BBC bias too?

I really wouldn't want to be one of those people who tries to extract BBC bias from a sausage roll, so my answer to those four questions is 'no', and my reaction to reading comments of that kind is: "Is that really all you have to say about Springwatch?"

Bring on the avocets and the adders, the bitterns and the badgers, the perilous scrapes and the heroic shrimps...and bring me Chris Packham (who I've met in the flesh and found charming), Michaela and Martin (who I've warmed to as time goes on), and everyone else involved in the show.

So, Nick Cohen, do you fancy (like me) going to the Scottish Isles to watch the newly-revived white-tailed eagles?

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