Sunday 7 August 2022

Gordon Brown!

This is getting ridiculous now.

Last September I posted about how Radio 4's Sunday programme “likes giving Gordon Brown a platform to promote his causes”. 

I wrote:
Despite it being a weekly programme featuring very few politicians, the son of the manse has been granted the Sunday bully pulpit no less than three times over the past year, pushing his agenda with the BBC's help.

Last October he was on demanding that the government 'must act to prevent the loss of a million young people to the job market'.

This May he was on advocating for G7 leaders to 'prioritise vaccines for developing countries ahead of the G7 summit'.

And today he was back saying that world leaders need to act now to end the 'moral outrage' that 'rich countries are amassing huge stockpiles of Covid vaccines they don't need'.

It's all very Sunday. In the years that I've covered them, they've always had their favourites and put them centre-stage

In January I posted again about the promotion of “their living saint among UK politicians”:

I repeat all this because Gordon Brown was back on Sunday once again this morning pushing a campaign (and an online petition) to compel the UK government to give more aid to the Afghans. 

[He's forever wanting to give our money away.]

Ed Stourton's questioning - or more accurately 'questioning' - was very helpful to the former prime minister.

And so it continues!

And if you recall last month, Edward Stourton went so far as to describe Mr Brown - off his own bat, as an opinion - as  “quite a just steward”.

Well, take a guess how today's edition of Sunday began...

Without a 'good morning' or anything, an excited Ed launched straight in:

And we have an exclusive interview this Sunday. As we heard in the paper review just now, the former prime minister Gordon Brown is in the news this weekend. He says the crisis facing vulnerable people is a moral issue that goes far beyond politics. He's assembled a coalition of charities and faith groups and he'll tell us live why he wants an emergency budget.

What on earth is going on here? 

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