Sunday 26 July 2015

The right kind of 'militants'

There was an exchange between Andrew Marr and BBC Scotland's Sarah Smith during this morning press review that went as follows:
Sarah Smith (BBC): Operation Stack, which is all these freight trucks stacked up on the M20 southbound, and Kent Police warning that that is going to be in place all day today as well. So that means there's up to 5 hour delays for holiday makers trying to get through the Channel Tunnel. Absolutely miserable for them, but worth noting in this story as talks about another migrant who was trying to climb on top of a train this week and was killed. Eight migrants trying to get through the Channel Tunnel from Calais have been killed this year, which puts waiting a few hours to get off on your holidays into perspective.
You will doubtless have spotted that BBC Sarah took the opportunity to engage in a fine bit of BBC-style 'virtue signalling' there. Anyhow, here was Andrew Marr's response: 
Andrew Marr: Operation Stack is also about the French militants on the other side of the tunnel, isn't it...? which point you might have been forgiven a moment's shudder at the scary thought of French Islamist terrorists attacking the Channel Tunnel, given that 'militants' usually means 'terrorists' these days on the BBC, except that Andy then went on to say:
....who are protesting about working conditions and so forth?
Yes, these 'militants' here are the old-fashioned kind of 'militants' (the kind that 'enter' the Labour Party from time to time) rather than terrorists. Dieu merci! 

Maybe the BBC could start calling terrorists 'terrorists' rather than 'militants'? Much less confusing!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, her VSL - virtue signalling line - was showing.


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