Sunday, 2 July 2017

Sunday Morning Reading

Today's Sunday Times includes a long and entertaining interview by Rod Liddle of Jeremy Paxman in which, among many other things, Paxo gives us his take on the BBC and introduces readers like me to a new word, 'parastatal': 
Jeremy Paxman: Would the world be better without the BBC in it? Of course not. Of course there is political correctness at the BBC. I would have to say that the BBC is a parastatal organisation. They believe in the state. And not to recognise that there are those issues there is just silly. 
Rod Liddle: And what are those issues? 
Jeremy Paxman: Partiality. There is a way of looking at the world if you are part of the BBC and a different way if you work for a commercial organisation. Why is the story is always about the disabled refugee from Syria, rather than the demands that the disabled refugee from Syria might make upon our taxpayers? That’s all too common. It’s a metropolitan-elite problem, isn’t it?