Sunday 9 July 2017

Sunday Night Quiz

It is funny how different media outlets report the same story. 

Here's a Sunday night quiz...

Guess which UK media outlets used the following headlines based on Labour education spokeswoman Angela Rayner's Andrew Marr interview today. And which one is the BBC? 

(Clue: You have eight media outlets to choose from. In alphabetical order: BBC News, The Daily Mail, the Daily Mirror, the Daily Telegraph, HuffPost UK, The Independent, The Sun and The Times).
(a) Labour aim of abolishing student debt 'would cost £100bn', party admits
(b) Labour's plan to scrap student debt would cost £100billion – and they don't know where the money would come from...
(c) Tuition Fees Have Not Put Working Class Kids Off University, Says Angela Rayner
(d) Wiping student debt may be unaffordable, admits Corbyn ally
(e) Corbyn's promise to cancel all student debt would cost £100BILLION Angela Rayner says as she admits fees have not put the working class off university
(f) Labour 'aim' to wipe £100bn student debt
(g) Jeremy Corbyn's plan to cancel student debt to cost £100bn, says Angela Rayner
(h) Labour admits wiping out tuition fee debt would cost £100BILLION but education chief insists: 'I like a challenge'


  1. Answers:

    (a) The Independent
    (b) The Sun
    (c) HuffPost UK
    (d) The Times
    (e) The Daily Mail
    (f) BBC News
    (g) The Daily Telegraph
    (h) The Daily Mirror

  2. Good quiz. Well, the BBC at f was very obvious!

  3. Splutter... The Daily Mail headline gives the fullest report.. but that's the paper for bigots and knuckle-draggers!

  4. I knew it wasn't the others, but still wasn't sure about (f) because of the scare quotes around 'aim'. I thought (c) would be the Independent, though.


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