Saturday 18 April 2015

'Not people of faith'

Sky News is leading with the arrest of five teenagers in Australia over an alleged Islamic State terrorist plot to attack next week's First World War commemorations in Melbourne. 

The BBC News website also features the story prominently. The BBC's choice of sub-headline, however, is typical of the corporation:
'Not people of faith' 
Yes, the thing the BBC chooses to spotlight here is something said by the Labor premier of Victoria:
These individuals arrested today are not people of faith, they don't represent any culture. This is not an issue of how you pray or where you were born... this is simply evil, plain and simple.
The BBC News website is almost invariably on-message when reporting stories like this. 


  1. So I guess with all these people turning out not to be real Muslims, the world population of the religion is shrinking rapidly by the week. Eventually, they're going to run out of "proper" Muslims entirely.

  2. The Labour Premier of Victoria's speech was cut from Sky News at the point where he said "This is not an issue of how you pray or where you were born... this is simply evil, plain and simple."

  3. Another "instant Imam" occupying high political office! Where do they find the time to study Islam in such detail, along with all their other duties.

  4. Very awesome!!! When I seek for this I found this website at the top of all blogs in search engine. משה נסטלבאום


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