Sunday 15 May 2016

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius?

I've watched Dateline London for too long to fall for another false dawn but, at the moment, it's going through an unusually long spell of fairly balanced programmes - and this week and last week's episodes were both excellent. 

A few years back we'd regularly go 5-7 weeks with no right-wingers. Then it got a bit better and we'd get a right-winger every 3 weeks or so. Now at least one right-winger crops up most weeks. 

And that's been happening for a few weeks now. 

That is an another improvement. So can I hope that dawn has finally arrived after all? It would be frightfully spiffing to think so (as Polly Toynbee might put it).

1 comment:

  1. I can assure you that nothing has changed on BBC World Service which I was listening to. Unrelenting wall to wall pro-migration propaganda from the BBC presenter chairing a discussion suggesting helpfully that perhaps Boris Johnson was a liar to the inintentional comedy of Die Klassen, a report on how a group of migrants are "settling in" (forget New Year's Eve - they ARE settling in and the BBC won't hear differently). One thing that emerged from Die Klassen was that nearly every migrant has another one, two or three migrants they want to bring over to Germany. Not something you'll ever hear mentioned on the BBC News when addressing the migration crisis - there you just get repeated assurances that the Turkey to Greece route is now closed.


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