Wednesday 29 August 2018

Today's story

And here's this morning's main Brexit news from the BBC News website...

The 'emerging pattern' continues on an almost daily basis now.


  1. Even if it’s not the BBC somebody is coordinating this, especially over a bank holiday weekend. How about the impartial BBC asking that question rather than just regurgitating press releases? Lol

    1. George Soros - not a UK national, a US citizen I believe - set aside a huge amount of money to overturn the referendum result.

      This conspiracy theory stuff. Here's a Reuters article:

      The BBC and the Electoral Commission would be all over it if it was a US citizen spending millions on a pro-Brexit campaign.
      The new Soros-funded organisation (Best for Britain) has a specific campaign on the Nurses issue, so I expect this ultimately is being promoted by them:

      The BBC has no interest in exposing how a billionaire is trying to subvert our democracy for reasons unknown.

    2. This [isn't] conspiracy the Reuters article shows. It's a lovely BBC-approved "fact", which they have no interest in.

  2. Also why now? This week surely they are wasting all the Ammo when there’s not anything going on that they can attempt to brain wash the public into voting for?

    1. Gearing up for the TUC conference? Maybe there will be a resolution that is pro-People's Vote (aka Billionaire's Vote or People's Vote Over)and references the non-issue of nursing recruitment.

  3. Another question when is this letter dated? If it’s not yesterday why is it today’s news?

    1. It appears to follow on from a statement made by the RCN on 23rd August. Some stories just keep running.


    I wonder if the BBC will report this story, I goes against their narrative, so maybe it will be buried.

  5. I’ve been counting since Sunday, and make it 4 anti Brexit, one neutral and no pro Brexit.

    Though I do have to ask. What are the Leave groups doing? Are they issuing press releases giving the perceived benefits of Brexit? If they aren’t, they should be, because that’s what Remainers are busy doing and you can’t necessarily blame the BBC for that.

    1. seems to get ignored entirely. Didn't the official Leave campaign disband?

    2. But leaving the EU was the declared policy of both the Conservative and Labour parties so they should be making the case!

  6. Have the BBC fact-checked these claims? For once, a rather good check from fullfact:

    To me it looks like the trend line is going up although the number varies up and down. Certainly talk of numbers "plummeting" is absurd.

    It is also stated by fullfact that "the number of nurses and midwives on the register from the rest of the world rose slightly".

    Plenty of negative anti-BBC comments on their website in the HYS slot , which the BBC has unusually provided for a Brexit-related story. Perhaps the BBC thought it was safe to dip their toe in the waters of public opinion - it's still freezingly anti-EU, BBC!:

    1. I think this one by number 400 - Sammy is excellent, but there are so many good ones;

      “I only hope that after independence, some one gathers all these scare stories from the Fake news media, headed by the BBC,and certain UK newspapers,and publish them ,so we can all have a good laugh”

      What a good idea for a BBC “comedy” panel show! We could call Fake News!


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