Wednesday 1 December 2021

Antisemitism on Oxford Street

The growing problem of aggressive Muslim antisemitism on our streets appears to have manifested itself again in a shocking incident on Oxford Street:

It was a good deal more than just spitting. It was abuse and abusive gestures [including Nazi salutes] and what appear to be attempts to smash the bus's window. 

It's only to be hoped that the media, especially the BBC, will report this disgusting outpouring of racial / religious hatred and lead to it being prioritised and firmly stamped on by the authorities. Shining a light on it will disinfect it better than hiding it away.

Update: In reaction, the unflagging David Collier has just tweeted:  

Meanwhile the Muslim Council of Britain are having panel events with the BBC, the Times and the Daily Mirror about how they all have to post less negative stuff about Islamist activity. There will be no place for Jews in the UK in the society that is developing here. 

If anyone can find footage of these panel events [and I'll be hunting for it too], I'd be grateful. I'd like to check the BBC attendees' responses.

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