Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Bashing Boris

Boris has done it again - according to the media. 

The media is full of criticism of his statement that the Libyan city of Sirte could become the "next Dubai" if they "clear the dead bodies away".

Tellingly however, different media outlets report the story in different ways. 

Reading Sky's account, yes you get all the critics of Boris but you also get Boris's rejection of their criticism:
Shame people with no knowledge or understanding of Libya want to play politics with the appallingly dangerous reality in Sirte. 
The reality there is that the clearing of corpses of Daesh fighters has been made much more difficult by IEDs and booby traps. 
That's why Britain is playing a key role in reconstruction and why I have visited Libya twice this year in support.
Same with the Times's take and ITV's take

Bizarrely, the BBC's account doesn't give Boris's response to the criticism. 

(So far) this BBC take features only the flak directed at Boris but not Boris's rejection of that flak. 

What sort of media organisation would only report one side of the story? A biased one maybe?