Wednesday 4 October 2017

Not bashing Sir Alan

In contrast, the BBC's account of Boris's Remain-backing deputy Sir Alan Duncan claim that working class voters threw "a tantrum" during the Brexit vote is given the softest treatment by the BBC News website.

The article essentially just reports his pro-immigration speech without criticism for the first 12 paragraphs and then tags on 2 paragraphs of criticism from the new UKIP leader. 

Compare that to the Telegraphs's account, which gives 3 paragraphs of Sir Alan, followed by 1 paragraph about criticism of Sir Alan, followed by 5 more paragraphs of Sir Alan, followed by 5 paragraphs of criticism of Sir Alan from the new UKIP leader. 

Now which is the more balanced account? The Telegraph's one quite clearly. 


  1. Just to follow up on some previous appears that the Las Vegas police are now talking about the Vegas shooter as having possibly been "radicalised"...given IS have claimed him as an operative, what then is the most likely explanation? BTW I didn't get this info from the BBC. As far they concerned the narrative is all about "gun culture" and "gun control" and "Trump".

    1. An intereting map:

      Shows that all the IS claims re terrorist attacks are deemed to have - according to MSM and the authorities - this one in Las Vegas. Why would they lie about just one attack? Doesn't make sense on the face of it. Plus, in terms of target, it would appear to be a perfect fit: music, dancing, a largely white crowd (and therefore more likely to exclude non-believers).

    2. I meant include not exclude of course.

  2. Should anybody be surprised Simon Brodkin has worked in BBC 'comedy'?

    1. Nope. Find me a BBC comic who admits to voting Conservative and I might begin to take seriously their claim to be "impartial"...but I don't you can find one!

  3. ‪Breaking ‬
    ‪news ‬


  4. This is the level of intelligence of the BBC's star reporters...

    Explains a lot really.

    1. As an alumnus of Newsnight, expecting common sense was a stretch.

      His Ethical Man series was about as bonkers as it got too.

      Still, Bee and the girls seem to have persuaded him to keep the global jaunting back to unethical levels.

      I wonder if they now have another car?

    2. I don't think it's very ethical to take up the time of Indian doctors with a self-inflicted wound - a tattoo - that could have been avoided with a bit of common sense, particularly given all the many desperate medical needs in India.

      If he was in Africa and someone offered him my moniker - Monkey Brains - for desert Justin would probably try it.

      The Ethical Man thing is long gone now isn't it...?the BBC are favouring more Corbyn-style Marxist-Leninist centralised planning with lots of belching chimneys and ten million more workers' flats. :)

    3. Ethical Man may have killed off the last of the BBC Editors' Blogs, as our Justin did start to struggle....

      As one who is active in the environmental sphere (I work at reducing waste and improving efficiencies) I consider him and those like him as media dilettantes who do more harm than good, dipping into stuff they know little about and often bailing in short order having screwed the pooch for those in it for the long haul by making various eco efforts look like the preserve of rich hypocrites who have no intention of doing more than dabble at virtue signalling.

      It has been raised only today that there is a slight dilemma in Beebworld with Unions and the brothers and sisters confronting tricky decisions faced by the 'defence industry'.

      Maybe 'reporting' will go the way of marches that do not suit?

    4. Your work in the environmental area is very worthwhile. Unlike Al Gore's.

      And sorry that should have been dessert of course...I do know how to spell, honest!

  5. Noticed the BBC on their wesbite ask whether the Catalan leader will deliver on his "threat" to declare independence. Threat! There you go...there's your no-nonsense Nick-Robinson-style, just-telling-it- how-it-is, BBC impartiality for you at work. Why bother writing "stated intention of" when you can use a loaded word in support of the EU-globalist-anti-populist front? A little bit of mind-bending from the ever-reliable BBC.

    1. Seems Aunty's finest SWAT team are tooled up to breach his office with the EU's MIB, all based on him making 'threats' that were reported as such in the BBC. They may even bring their helicopter.

      ps: ta for the nice words above

  6. I heard that tattoo drivel on From Our Own Correspondent last Saturday. Another old-time favourite popped up on the same programme, a certain John Sweeney opining from the US about guns, his parting shot a lame dismissal of America as "this strange and troubled land." What is that strange and troubled man doing in America, anyway? I thought they had plenty of help there already.

    1. If it's so strange and troubled why is it still top of the pops in the worldwide migrant charts? Afghanistan is strange and troubled - no one wants to live there, including half the Afghans. Would Sweeney ever say something rude about Afghanistan? If you paid him twice John Humphries' salary, perhaps, but otherwise, no.

      Sweeney sometimes sound deranged...his thinking certainly is.

  7. Just had a look at the HIGNFY twitter feed (not something I would normally do!). Thought I'd randomly analyse the first ten joke tweets:

    1. Anti May/Tories, focussed on her speech.
    2. Providing cover for Weinstein and the liberal left by linking his abuse to Trump, though no such link exists as far as we know.
    3. Critical of Corbyn re Brexit indecision but from the perspective that he ought to be opposing Brexit, would be my view.
    4. Anti-Momentum perhaps, but not anti Labour. Of course BBC don't like Hard Left Momentum. Could be seen as supportive of Corbyn, suggesting he is adored by millions.
    5. Anti-Boris joke, likening him to rubbish. Straightforward abuse of the kind never doled out to labour politicians.
    6. Catalonia joke...suggesting it is a condundrum, a paradox...(the issues are of course quite simple in reality, just as they are with Brexit, but that's not what the BBC wants you to know).
    7. A bit punning on Amber Rudd's bias I would say.
    8. Joke about David Davis - smuggling in the word "extreme" and portraying EU as the victim.
    9. Suggesting chaos and confusion in the Tory Party.
    10. Anti-May joke (suggesting pressure is building on her to resign).

    So 50% anti Tory.
    30% pursuing soggy left positions on Weinstein, Catalonia and Brexit.
    10% critical of Labour's Hard Left.
    10% neutral.

    Nothing directly critical of Corbyn or any Labour politician.

    1. "Providing cover for Weinstein and the liberal left by linking his abuse to Trump"

      That's quite generous for going full Lily Allen with the moral equivalences to an extent only Mishal Husain could applaud.

      Seems 'Views my own' pretty much now covers the entire BBC output.

      Allegedly (this one's for YOU, Ian!).

  8. This is rather intriguing. Tommy Robinson, reporting for a Canadian channel on an anti-terrorism march in London (lots of blokes, football supporters, but no overt racism, no chants, some ex-servicemen wearing medals, and several black people saying the marchers are not racist, and supporting them)runs into a BBC reporter on the same asignment. The BBC man (nice enough chap, don't know who he is)admits that he'll be covering the event as a right-wing extremist one. "Calls for tighter controls on immigration, that's a right-wing rhetoric," he explains when Tommy R challenges him. Doesn't seem to have much of a clue apart from that.

    1. The only demonstrations that make it onto BBC output are left of centre eg Junior Doctors, or Unite Back Bombardier etc. - or, anti far-right events such as Muslims against EDL. It's true that the BBC were there in hope of a disturbance to video. As there wasn't any, as far as the BBC are concerned, this protest doesn't count.

      It all smacks of poor standards of reporting, but then that's nothing new.

  9. I forgot to add that the BBC man hoves into view at 3:36

  10. What's that link supposed to be? It brings up loads of different things.

    1. Loads of different things? Narrows it down.

      Seemed to do what was advised on my browser.

      Did like the BBC hipster's frown when he twigged this was not going well.

    2. Nothing that is a BBC person or interview. How to characterise them? Youtubes of Trump speaking in Philadelphia; learn how to sing; Rhode Island Fire Chiefs; help getting to level 50, just to give a sample of the loads of different things.

    3. Try this:

      Of value is a BBC (Producer?) admitting that they will 'label' based not on impartial observation but on what 'people' (unspecified) label.

      Doubtless with customary BBC impartiality.

    4. Thanks for that. Worked a treat. A truly gobsmacking admission from a not-very-bright-but-amiable whoever from the BBC.

  11. A programme on BBC TV the other day about credit unions - A Matter of Life and Debt - stated that credit unions started in the Caribbean. I didn't think so and looked up online. A detailed wiki article attributes the origins and development to Germany (Japan was earlier but that wasn't known about outside Japan and didn't influence development elsewhere, it says.)
    Not sure what to believe. Is the BBC doing history to an agenda once again, as it did in the notorious cod history recently where Florence Nightingale was relegated to an also ran to one Mary Seacole? The programme had plenty of camera shots of black people, sequences of faces and hands, and possibly a black narrator, etc so it seems quite keen on badging itself to a particular slant. I wouldn't put it past them to either slant the history or to plain get it wrong. It is no longer known for its high standards of accuracy and attention to detail, let alone impartiality and devotion to fact.

    1. "Not sure what to believe" ... really ?? :)
      Your first instinct was correct ... never believe what the BBC is telling you until you have confirmed on other sources to build the true picture.

    2. The BBC lies, lies and lies again for the things that it loves - whether the subject be the EU, cannabis, climate change, ultra-feminism, transgenderism, activist charities, Islam or whatever. Sometimes it lies directly but much more often it lies by omission or by selection.

      It's really just a branch of the entertainment industry now. It sees its task, like Hollywood, as creating a marvellous fantasy world, which makes claims to be reality. A place where bad people are never from ethnic minorities, where migrants are always good and useful members of society, where money is always available for good causes if only people with money will release it, where Islam is a religion of peace, where women never deploy sex to advance socially, where all disabilities can be overcome, and where equality of outcome can be achieved if people just have good will.

    3. An underreported section of the voting public must be the white female Leave voter - usually the Leave voter is portrayed as a far-right white male.

    4. Male - check
      Tattoo - check
      Fat gut - check
      Unemployed - check.
      Union Jack T shirt - check.

      OK perfect for a 10 second shot on BBC News.

      The reality is that, for instance, a lot of Black Caribbean women in gainful employment voted Leave. As did a lot of Indian Hindu and Sikh women. They can see the way things are going.

    5. You forgot item 4 alternative - employed but: with navy blue overalls, metal bashing to no particular purpose in an old-fashioned workshop on a crumby industrial estate, accompanied by the sounds of angle grinder or welding rods, and either way, a dramatic shower of sparks.

    6. I like that - "dramatic shower of sparks".

      On mobility scooter outside a betting shop with fag hanging out of mouth was a favourite in the immediate post-Referendum period, when they were pushing "left behind" with all their media might.

  12. Off Topic

    There is an interesting piece in the Europe section of the BBC News website:

    'Why did Vikings have 'Allah' embroidered into funeral clothes?'

    Not so long ago we had an assertion from the BBC that Muslim stonemasons were instrumental in the creation of the Northern European Gothic cathedral style. Now we are led to believe that Islamic script has been used in the embroidery of Viking burial clothing. However, to read the script, it is necessary to look at the lettering through a mirror!

    1. It's funny how things go. Some decades ago the BBC was trying to convince us the Vikings were peace loving hippies with a love of fine jewellry (having given a Viking, Magnus Magnusson, a load of time to hog the airwaves telling us this). Now they are trying to convince us they were ce change and all that. Next they will be telling us that the Aztecs were performing highly skilled heart valve operations on top of their pyramids in order to save the individuals concerned, their level of civlisation having been sorely underrated by Eurocentric cultural imperialists.

    2. Getting my history via Amazon Prime, as you do, I already knew that those blonde ambassadors of peace and love had indeed encountered those from the Eastern Med, if more in a stabby stabby way. Which is sort of ironic in some ways.

      Floki seemed intrigued by the peace and love stuff, but that soon passed. Bit of a sidebar to nowhere.

      Of course as a nipper I recall Kirk and Tony getting into diversity in the only way all parties seemed to know how, and for some still do.

      Never used the slide at the playground since.

    3. Also on Vikings and Islam:
      Have just seen this in a discussion on the subject of Vikings, Islam and slavery:
      "There's a BBC page about slavery in Islam that talks of taking a "balanced view of sexual slavery in Islam" because while it's bad, women could also earn rewards. What the hell??????? ..."

      Upon checking, there is indeed such a page. It starts off with a familiar refrain, the old: "Some argue" it was wrong... while "Others say" it was relatively benign...and:
      "A balanced view might be to say that sexual slavery in this context was a very bad thing, but that it was possible for some of the more fortunate victims to gain benefits that provided some degree of compensation."

      It had informed us without qualms earlier in what is a lengthy article about Islam and slavery:

      "Slaves must accept
      •Owners are allowed to have sex with their female slaves "
      How nice.

      And anyone who read the above linked content of "Some argue.." will have noted this gem:

      "•it involved compulsory non-consensual sex - which would nowadays be called 'rape'"

      A double helping of weasel words there but even then, it's not right because those Islamic brethren who brutalised and traded naïve youngsters in Rotherham and places around the country don't call it rape; they called it having sex with, just as the BBC did in the first bullet point above. And they called it racism when the law called it rape and criminality.

    4. Does the BBC have a similar page arguing with equal passion the merits of slavery in the Southern USA and Caribbean?

    5. There was one of those 15 min talks on the radio a couple of weeks ago in which the speaker was passionately denouncing the evils of British imperialism. Of course she eventually got onto Sykes-Picot, but rather than refer to the Ottoman empire, with a slight stumble in the flow of her dialogue she replaced “empire” with “territories”. Thus in one sentence demolishing her entire argument.
      This really sums up the BBC in general and the SJW narrative it represents. It is not anti-imperialist or representative of any form of justice or truth. It is simply anti-Western.

  13. GCSE Maths Question 1: If the BBC News sends a two person crew to a demonstration by 100 pro-EU enthusiasts in central London, and then devotes 4 minutes on its searly evening news to the report, how many minutes will it devote on the same programme to reporting a demonstration by 10,000 Football Lads Alliance supporters if it sends a three person crew to cover that demonstration? Answer (see below).

    ANSWER TO Q1: 0 minutes, of course you idiot - it's nothing to do with impartiality or balance.

  14. It's odd isn't it that the same person in a lean-to shed in leafy Surrey bodging together some pile of scrap to make a trendy table for a wane bar or whatever for: 'Sarah Moore transforms items being dumped at the tip into bespoke and valuable pieces', then instead of being labelled 'Leave Voter' he would be labelled 'Cool' in the BBC's inward looking world.The man up-north might have been fabricating a water filter for Africa for which his boss had won an order for against keen competition, but would the BBC bother to report such trivia?


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