Sunday, 15 October 2017

Showing some bias?

Mark Mardell's preview of The World This Weekend on this morning's Broadcasting House began like this:
Well, as the rest of the West shows some backbone and stands up to President Trump after his Iran speech we'll be talking to the man who actually led the British negotiating team about what next and we'll be looking at reports from Washington that the President is unravelling. 
That phrase "shows some backbone" isn't exactly a neutral one, is it? It makes it sound as if Mark Mardell is praising 'the rest of the West' for standing up to President Trump. 

I was going to leave my question there as an 'Unanswered Question' but decided to answer it anyhow because, also during this preview, Mark Mardell told Paddy that he'd never heard of the American composer Charles Ives.