Monday 10 April 2017

¡no pasarán!

The image of Saffiyah Khan smiling at a threatening looking thug from the EDL has “gone viral”.
The iconic image of “tank man” in Tiananmen Square seems to be the inspiration for this piece in the Times  (£)

Her allegedly heroic standoff was given further publicity this morning on the Victoria Derbyshire show in an interview with a fawning Victoria Derbyshire. She was given several minutes of air-time, sporting a fetching “GAZA" T-shirt.

¡no pasarán! she said, signing off, with a raised fist.


  1. "I have no fear of EDL"

    Should the EDL up their game? 'Truck driving', stabbing, suicide belts? Throw in a disturbed childhood and the BBC will take them to their hearts!

  2. I'd imagine many women would love to live in such an oppressed country as the UK.

    As far as I can I see whilst spouting questionable views the EDL didn't break the law they were stood next to a policemen....

  3. Isn't this the young lady who caused a breach of the peace last week when others were holding a minute's silence in honour of the victims of the recent Moslem terrorist attack in Westminster?

  4. "Social justice warrior" creates photo opportunity out of non-story.

  5. The BBC agrees with Brecht's acid comment. The people have failed it and so it is necessary to elect a new people. They are working hard on that. In terms of narrative, there are hardly any of the failed people represented any longer. They just need to make sure that becomes a reality politically, socially and demographically. The BBC's view is that "Brexit was a blip". They think time is on their side.


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