Saturday 1 December 2018

'Grid' (again)

It is interesting looking back at that leaked 'grid' ("a note passed to the BBC") that the Government tried to dismiss ("Downing Street says it's not Theresa May's plan and the childish language in the notes shows it's not an official document"), for I'm seeing more on more of the things on the 'grid' happening, and the BBC duly reporting them. The Japanese PM has popped up today (a few days late admittedly), and the "lots of former foreign secs" spoke out in concert the other day (and got interviewed on Today), "Jeremy Hunt on Marr" happened on the exact day stated, and we learned yesterday (via Buzzfeed) that Downing Street did try to get a 1-on-1 interview for Mrs May with David Dimbleby. And to think I was sceptical about it!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, indeed...I've noticed how closely we have been marching to the grid...except that Mr Raab is no longer involved in the Abject Surrender Bandwagon.


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