Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Can anyone now take the Labour Party seriously?

Just catching up…….. things have already moved on….. but:

There are several versions of this speech on YouTube, but this one includes the opening passage,  where Ian Austin is interrupted - “barracked” - by gurning Labour MPs shouting insults like “You’re not welcome here” from a sedentary position. The Speaker, at his most pompous, tolerates this disruptive behaviour as it rises almost to the point of obliterating the speech. 

I wonder how Louise Ellman feels, sitting in the row just in front. Barry Gardiner smirks and ostentatiously stifles a yawn as he sits beside Jeremy Corbyn.

There are other notable YouTube clips from this fiery session, particularly a speech by Ivan Lewis who is wearing a kippah.

The BBC has taken a mild interest in Ian Austin’s battle against antisemitism in the Labour Party, but the flurry on 22nd February seems to be it.  

Labour MPs are about to cause chaos  The Labour Party. Can anyone take it seriously?