Thursday 1 February 2018

"A slap isn't terrorism"

I tried and tried to embed this video on this blog but it wasn’t having it. No matter what I did it wouldn’t show up on the page. (!**@!)

Instead, please do me the honour of clicking on this link to see a video, carefully put together by the BBC’s Middle East editor. It concerns the infamous ‘slap’. It will only take a minute.  

It stars Bassem Tamimi, head of the professional, family-run, Palestinian, anti-Israel clan; you might never guess that despite Bassem Tamimi’s butter-wouldn’t-melt, honed-for-the-media performance, close family members are convicted murderers. 

Also featured, for the appearance of that special sort of balance that ends up being the exact opposite of balance, is Oren Hazan  ‘the youngest member of the Israeli Knesset” and evidently a hard-liner who pulls no punches when it comes to explaining what he would do to poor defenceless little Ahed, given half a chance.

This, alongside a cluster of  anti-Israel, Trump-centered reporting by Yolande Knell and Lyse Doucet represents an alarming spike in anti-Israel bias, unsurpassed by the BBC even by its own own standards.


  1. Tried to watch but as one who took the demise of Flash as a good reason to drop it from my Mac's repertoire, will need to go on memory off twitter.

    Got to give Dad full comedic marks for the 'hit her hand with her face' line.

    Though Jeremy seemed to feel that was also worthy of a sober nod.

  2. I see that Jeremy Bowen is responding to pro-Israel critics by asserting, "My report is fair and balanced". He's also getting lots of praise from pro-Palestinian activists. (Ben White is the latest, calling his report "powerful, & all too rare").

    1. From certain perspectives it is possible to be pro-halfway not utterly bent editorial standards without Israel getting involved.

      And topping it all off was a classic BBC 'guest' invitation and edit combo, with the wonderfully benign nut job Palestinian old man who sends kids to get killed contrasted with the evil young MP who may not be exactly typical.

      FWIW the young soldier deserved/s a medal.

      Jezza deserves being laughed out of the business.

    2. Quite, Peter.

      The 'balance' here is exactly that - between the benign-looking old Palestinian man - whose sad eyes JB gave us a long lingering close-up of (a strikingly propaganda-like technique), and the cocky MP Israeli who newspapers call the 'Bad-boy' MP (who duly and cheerfully made an offensive comment about wanting to brutalise a girl).

      I bet JB thanked each and every deity he could possibly think of when Oren Hazan said what he said to him about Ahed Tamini. It may be newsworthy to report an Israeli MP saying such a disgusting thing but JB also got to present him as being representative of a large part of Israeli society...

      ...ironically, at the very moment when Israel's parliament proved that Israeli MPs are NOT 'represented' by Mr Hazan by suspending him for six months for inappropriate behaviour against women.

  3. It would be intriguing to know when Jeremy Bowen interviewed the obnoxious Oren Hazan.

    JB's report went out on BBC's News at Ten last night. Yesterday (in a completely unrelated matter), Mr Hazan got suspended for six months from the Knesset after the Knesset's Ethics Committee ruled, "It looks as though Mr Hazan has set a goal to bother Arab MKs and to drag female MKs into a degrading and humiliating discourse including sexist and chauvinist statements... which deal a deadly blow to the Knesset and its public image."

    Did Jeremy Bowen interview Mr Hazan before or after the Knesset suspended him? And did his report go out before or after the suspension?

    IF the report went out after Oren Hazan was suspended by the Israeli parliament, why didn't Jeremy Bowen mention that?

  4. Yes strange embedding problem
    - People posted tweets of the BBC vid which look ready to play but don't play
    - However when they posted the you tube on it does play in Twitter

  5. We all know what this is about. The BBC will focus on the 1% of Israelis politicians who are hate merchants and NEVER focus on the 99% of Hamas politicians who are hate merchants.

    The fact that the BBC have never set out the awful hate propaganda on Middle East media as documented by MEMRI shows they are not interested in a "Reality Check".


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