Saturday 24 December 2016

"He came in peace. And was teargassed"

Talking of Hugh Sykes, here's another of his latest tweets:

This publicity stunt by Palestinian activists seems to have become an annual event (news of which is always eagerly shared by anti-Israel activists). It doesn't seem to be quite the peaceful protest that Hugh implies it is though. Here's how last year's 'Santa march' was reported in the International Business Times:
A number of Palestinian protesters dressed like Santa Claus have clashed with the Israeli army while protesting in the West Bank, Bethlehem, on 18 December. Around 50 Palestinians clashed with police, with some throwing fire bombs and rocks at Israeli forces.
I suspect this year's march was no different - as another photo from last week (one Hugh didn't share) suggests:

1 comment:

  1. Somebody ought to tell Sykes that his tweet might give permission for prejudice. Dangerous talk, even.


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