Monday 26 December 2016

Unwrapped (Open) thread

Sorry again for the small number of posts this past month. This has been due to circumstances beyond our control (well, my control). Hopefully, ITBB will burst out anew in the new year with so many posts that you'll struggle to ever keep up with them. Until then, here's another open thread. Thank you for sticking with us and  and a 'Merry Christmas!' and a 'Happy Hanukkah!' to you all. Ho, ho, ho!


  1. Christmas best wishes to all contributors, thank you for all your efforts.

  2. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to Craig and Sue and everyone else who keeps this blog lively. 2016 showed that you can never write off sanity and reason entirely.

    Let's hope that for the MSM, especially the overpaid, over-opinionated BBC elite, 2017 feels like a very bleak spell in a Siberian re-education camp. A festive note to end on. :) Let's be honest - they would wish us worse.

  3. Good to see you back on the trail, Craig. Merry Christmas and thank you. Have enjoyed your many illuminating articles throughout the year.

  4. As we prepare to climb on a plane, facing an 18hr* trip tonight, compliments of the season all round.

    *totally worth it to spend time with two sons on National Service the other side of the world, and gloriously not on duty Christmas Day.

    1. And to you too, Peter. An 18hr Christmas trip is positively Santa-like in terms of endurance.

  5. On WATO today they are pushing the "Fake News" narrative for all their worth...itself an example of Fake News designed simply to demoralise and confuse the Brexit masses - no other reason at all.

    Are we really living in post-truth world? What about the 30s when Sidney and Beatrice Webb were lauded for their extensive writings on the workers' paradise that was the Soviet Union, when Jewish conspiracy theories were taken seriously in ever country, and when Pathe News pumped out a steady stream of propaganda about colonial peoples happy to be part of the wonderfully ethical Britsh Empire? What about the 70s when various old military types in the UK thought we were on the verge of a Bolshevik revolution and began preparing a paramilitary response (read up on Col David Stirling and GB 75) and when Noam Chomsky assured us the Khmer Rouge were progressive nationalists whom no one, least of all the Cambodian people, need no fear? These are just a few stray examples.

    The reality is that the powerful have been manufacturing fake news since the dawn of history. And boy are the BBC powerful!

    1. And "Thank God for the BBC!" was the conclusion of one of the two interviewees (both of whom sang from much the same hymn sheet).


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