A festive Twitter exchange (delivered in a fascinating array of different fonts and font sizes, just because it's Christmas - or maybe because I just can't get the fonts right on Google Blogger):
Donald J Trump (to Twitter): The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes
Nick Robinson (to Twitter, re Trump's tweet): How kind. The Donald's Christmas gift to the world
Tim Montgomerie (to Nick Robinson): America's gift to world; nuclear weapons (and conventional power) that US taxpayers fund has deterred war. We need a strong America
Nick Robinson (to Tim Montgomerie): It's perfectly possible to agree with you but question need for expansion of nuclear arsenal announced by Twitter.
Douglas Carswell MP (to Nick Robinson): Much better if done via pundits and reporters!
Nick Robinson (to Douglas Carswell MP): Or an address of perhaps more than 140 characters to your nation, Congress, the United Nations, NATO ....?
Douglas Carswell MP (to Nick Robinson): ....would the BBC give that honest coverage? Perhaps he tweets direct to folk who hear his views, not the pundits?
Nick Robinson (to Douglas Carswell MP): Ye of little faith & at this time of year. Suspect message for V Putin not J Sixpack -"Don't mess with me ..." etc
Douglas Carswell MP (to Nick Robinson): Merry Christmas! 😎