Sunday, 29 January 2017

From another planet (to the BBC)

Talking of tweets, here are a selection from former Sky foreign affairs editor Tim Marshall - perhaps suggesting why he was never the BBC's foreign affairs editor!

  • Obama increased forced deportations by more than 20% compared to Bush. Not a peep from Horrified of Hampstead.
  • Wait, many countries ban Israelis from visiting!  I feel an outraged petition coming on.  Don't you?  Hello?  Hello? Oh, perhaps not.
  • Petition signers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your memories of not signing when China, Russia and S Arabia came here.
  • I've had an idea!  To show my outrage at banning people I will try to ban people!  Simples!

and in reply to a tweet saying, "Don't recall this fuss when Obama introduced similar ban in 2011? Short term/selective memory loss. Only because it's Trump": 
  • Yup, 6 month ban on Iraqis and ..... silence.  Sigh.  If the narrative don't fit  - people don't wear the cap.