Saturday 6 December 2014

"But that's just my view"

As we may have said before here (yes, I'm sure we have), Jon Donnison uses Twitter as a key part of his reporting. 

This week he used the medium for a BBC-backed Q & A session with Twitter, Facebook and email users. 

For those who want to read a transcription of the whole thing (and who wouldn't?), here it is.

Who knows whether the chosen questions were representative, given how they came in, though I did spot a few decent-looking questions on Twitter (such as those asking what Australia's Muslim community could do to tackle Islamic extremism) which weren't asked, and the questions you will see...would surely have been music to Jon Donnison's ears as they mostly confirm his own biases. 

Jon Donnison's answers are very much what you would expect from him. There's plenty of bias in them too.

He plays down the danger from Islamists, says climate change is a bigger threat, attacks the tabloids for their coverage of Muslims, uses the word 'Islamophobic', shows his disdain for a 'burqa ban' and anti-veil protestors, and gets to end with Gaza.

So here goes then:


Live Twitter Q & A staring in 5 minutes on matters #Australia. … #AskBBCjon

Thanks for your questions. Starting my LIVE Q&A on #Australia security now. #AskBBCJon

Q: Lucille Law via Facebook: "Should Australia be more worried about Islamic State threats from abroad or at home?"

A:Hi. Given distance, prob more worried about threat at home.That said,out of Islamic pop of 700,000 only tiny handful of IS supporters here

via @Aus_istan: Q: "Is local media doing a good job in differentiating btw terrorist ideology & peaceful Muslims?"

Hi @Aus_istan. In a word: no. Read tabloids & there's fair bit of whipping up the fear. As a result sadly a number of Islamophobic attacks.

Q: Neil Young via Facebook (the Neil Young???!!!): "Should Australia be expecting more anti-terror raids?"

A: Hi Neil. I think it's likely. Gov says around 100 IS supporters in Oz. But worth noting after last big raids (800+ police) only 1charged.

PS: Neil. Love Harvest Moon.

Q: via Gene Yue on Facebook: Is the "burqa ban" a paranoid one? How many women in Australia have you seen really wearing burqas anyway?

A:Hi Gene. I've never seen a woman wearing a burqa in Oz. @TonyAbbottMHR said he hadn't either. Media & gov confusing burqa with niqab. 1/2

A: basically think lazy journalists like the alliteration of "burqa ban." Niqab ban doesnt sound so catchy.

VIDEO my TV piece from a few months ago on fears over Australians fighting with Islamic State. …

A little off topic Khakurel! Q via Khakurel Amrita via Facebook: Are you a cat or a dog person?

A:hi Khakurel. I'm def a hound man but the missus tells me we have to get baby before dog! Baby due in March so pencilling in pooch for 2015

Q: Liza Lee via Facebook: What do majority of Australians think of KKK nutters at parliament? …

A: Hi Liza. Probably that they were one tinny short of a full six pack! They tried and failed to make a pretty incoherent point.

Q: @James_G_Fowler via Twitter: Is climate change not a threat to security in Australia?

A:G'day @james_G_Fowler. Long term climate change poses much greaert threat to Australians' livelyhoods than IS. But that's just my view ;-)

Q: A Oei via email: Do you think Australia is still a 'lucky country' with all the terror raids going on?

A: Hi A Oei. "Lucky Country" is greatly misused. Was said with sarcasm/irony. So maybe author Donald Horne may have still thought oz "lucky"

My piece asking from earlier this year asking whether Australia is still "The Lucky Country." …

Q: D Songur via email: What will proposed special powers granted to Asio mean for journalists, news agencies and whistleblowers?

A: Hi I dont think we know answer to that but there is undoubtedly a lot of concern from journos here about new laws & protecting sources.

Right you are.....Q: via @jmitter34: What do you think of the new Star Wars trailer? …

A: Being a bit codge, original Star Wars much more my scene. 1st films I saw in cinema. Great excuse to post this.

Q: Hang Kwon Li via Facebook: What's been your most memorable coverage experience during your time in Australia?

A: Hi Hang Kwon Li. Travelling to Philipines to cover Typhoon Haiyan. A truly terrible story but Filipinos some of kindest people I've met.

Q: Smain R Avidan via Facebook: I liked your WS report. Was it hard to get interviews at mosques? …

A: Hi Smain. No it wasn't hard. Most were happy to talk &  friendly. Many were originally from Tripoli in Lebanon, a place I have visited.

Q: via @grimlockchen: What is Aus govt doing about terrorists like those who want to go to Syria but can't because passports were cancelled?

A: Hi @grimlockchen . Watching them pretty closely I imagine. But those laws may end being challenged in courts here i suspect.

Q: @larry_friese via Twitter: What would major national security concerns be if Australia detached itself from US & UK and went neutral?

A: Hi Larry. Interesting Q given Oz has been US's most loyal ally over wars of last century. Think it would be of more concern to US and UK.

And finally....Q: Juwel Rai via Facebook: Are the beaches better in Gaza or Sydney?

A: Now that's a toughy.Sorry Bondi but my heart is with Gaza beaches. So much potential there. …

Thanks reader(s) for all your questions. Hope I came up with a few answers. Tata for now. Jon

1 comment:

  1. Dream on Jon. You ain't gonna see Middle Eastern beauties running into the Med in their bikinis on Gazan beaches...unless the Israelis re-occupy of course.


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