Monday 5 June 2017


Nothing to do with BBC bias but still unmissable: Our next home secretary, perhaps, being interviewed tonight on Sky:


  1. I commend Dermot Murnaghan on his patience and professionalism as he tried in vain to lead Diane Abbott through this interview.

    1. He certainly knew what was going through her mind, namely nothing, and simply guided her accordingly.

  2. Meanwhile on Newsnight...Evan Davis "interviews" Sadiq Khan - a series of soft ball lobs at 2 mph. Strangely, Evan (in common with all other MSM so called journalists) has absolutely no interest in asking him why he campaigned so hard to stop Babar Ahmad's extradition to the USA, given Ahmad subsequently pleaded guilty to terrorism related offences.

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    1. (Deleted previous comment because of typo.)
      She's already had the lobotomy, so with a little practice on the autocue, she could get a job as stand-in for Martine Croxall! Just as well because she isn't going to be Home Secretary, even if Corbyn wins.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Blogger helpfully printed my comment twice, then when I deleted one comment, they both disappeared! Here we go again - Just a thought Craig,but if the BBC doesn't report Diane's latest car crash, it WILL have something to do with bias, won't it?

    2. We'll see.

      I am liking the theory that Labour is panicking they may win, so unleash the Abbott.

      BBC corridors being reinforced to handle the empties as their dream is in sight.

  6. There's no point in being unrealistically optimistic about things. Realistically the UK appears on a road to self-destruction. Eventually a huge proportion of the population will leave these shores for countries like Australia, India and the USA and that will be that: end of a thousand plus years of continuous and in many respects glorious history (albeit not much to be proud of in our slaving and imperialism).

    Our political leaders appear unable to either recognise the threat or do anything about it. Even when we give them the opportunity as in the Brexit vote, they remain quiescent and complacent.

    The BBC have been prime movers in stripping us of our cultural defences by promoting a false image of Islam and of the benefits of mass immigration. Both Labour and Conservative governments have been complicit in that.

    The BBC needs to be completely democratised so the licence fee payers elect its management. Its senior appointments system needs to be overhauled. Upper pay limits need to be put in place. It needs to lose half its bureacracy. There needs to be a ten year programme for moving from a licence fee system to an opt out subscription basis.

    Politically we will only make progress when we confront Sharia head on, making its promotion and operation illegal, which will involved dismantling the parallel Islamic legal and schooling systems. We will also need to deport all Jihadists and Sharia promoters with double citizenship; prevent the return of Jihadis from foreign wars; stop foreign funding of Mosques;close down Mosques that incubate Jihadism; expel foreign pro-Sharia clerics; de-Islamise the state school system; and bring in prior and thorough testing values and English language ability before allowing permanent immigration to the UK.

    Any chances of any of that happening? No, so I am afraid that our future is going to be bleak.

    1. Spot-on. Excellent article by Melanie Phillips, P34, The Times today on the NTDWI fallacy - a fallacy eagerly promoted by the BBC - and Sharia.

  7. Interestingly, Abbott pulled out of this morning's Woman's Hour debate due to ill health...

    1. Labour Press Office place a bunji stick trap in the canteen next to her Green room?

    2. Yes, Guido has a photo of her chatting merrily on the phone a few hours before she was ill (or'ill'!)

    3. IIRC these mystery malaises have struck before, and as quickly as they are apparently unexpected.

  8. Westminster Bridge...Manchester...but London Bridge...something about the relentless nature of these attacks has changed the national mood. Enough is enough, indeed, although May has been contributed much of the "enought" not least by banning cogent, moderate critics of Islam like Roberty Spencer and Pamela Geller from this country as "extremists", even though they are both under sentence of death by Jihadis (and were both subject of a murderous Jihadi assault).

    The people don't want to hear any more apologetics. Even the BBC have had to adjust their coverage a little bit...not much about Islam being a religion of peace any more.

    This was a watershed event. Not to say things are going to get better but I think a large section of the population now understand how high the stakes are and that we are on the wrong path.

    The PC pro-globalist elite (95% of BBC reporters being paid up members) are desperately flailing around for a solution. Mass immigration hasn't ushered in the PC nirvana as hope. Islam remains obdurate (or "conservative" in BBC speak) in not supporting gay rights, liberal democracy and feminism. The BBC really can't think what the right policy is...they've tried it every which way but respecting, lecturing, hectoring, promoting, molly-coddling and sucking up to Islam's legions aren't having the desired effect. What children the supposed sophisticates of the metropolis are!


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