Sunday 15 December 2019

And lead me not into temptation

Talking of Broadcasting House, the paper review today featured Richard Wilson. 

The famous Labour-supporting actor told the programme, with passion: 
What always upset me during the election was that Corbyn must have known how hated he was and yet he decided to carry on. That's what I can't forgive. 
Now, having posted that tardy scoop, I really need to just leave it there and not continue this post. I mustn't let Sue down, myself down or you down by giving in to base temptations. But it's so hard. Yet I must stop myself. I so, so, so desire to rewrite the above as:
What always upset me during the election was that Corbyn must have know how hated he was and yet he decided to carry on. I couldn't BELIEEEEEEEVE it! 
...but I really, really mustn't. It would be such an obvious thing to do. So I mustn't.


  1. Lol - the Father Ted episode.

    There was the funny follow up during the review when Andrew Pierce pointed out that Richard Wilson voted FOR Jeremy Corbyn to become the Labour Party Leader!

    Failure is an orphan as they say...

    1. Yes, this was one of those times when I was absolutely, one hundred, million per cent sure that I was doing the right thing in not giving into temptation there.

      I don't think anyone has done what Andrew Pierce did to Richard Wilson from One Foot in the Grave today before. I bet he thought it was hilarious.


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