Tuesday 7 November 2017

Priti pickle

Criticism of Priti Patel for her ‘holiday’ was all over the BBC yesterday, even partially eclipsing other  sensational news, and I couldn’t help wondering, like esteemed commenter “deegee”…..

……whether the BBC was being more antisemitic than was absolutely necessary. 

Needless to say, Tweets praising the merits of James Landale's investigative journalism  have attracted a predictable type of fly.

However, it seems that esteemed commenter “Pounce” has the low-down on the matter.

It truly was a matter of ministerial code. But did James Landale need to actually slavver over it?


Labour seems to think the way to get Jeremy Corbyn into Number Ten is to knock the Tory cabinet down one by one like skittles.

“Did she have any meetings on the Palestinian side because she of course will appreciate the importance, as a Middle East minister, of a wholly balanced approach to the ME peace process, not a one-sided one. 

[…] and if we had a PM who wasn’t so weak both (Priti+Boris) of them would have been sacked.

I’d love to know how many times a call for the “Israeli side to be heard” have been uttered by Ben Bradshaw when a member of his own party has brought up some Palestinian grievance or other in the house.


  1. They are slavering because Priti is a Boris ally and a Brexiteer. That's enough to get the juices going.

    She has been extremely foolish. She is only hanging on by the skin of her teeth.

    I don't personally think anti-semitism comes into it much, though I wouldn't be surprised if some Labour ministers have had unofficial meetings whilst abroad that were never the subject of major exposes but...what the hell was she thinking of? She knows the score, or should do.

  2. Daily Politics today was more than a little preoccupied with this and Boris’s amazingly stupid remark about Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe. I was going to write, “Ill-judged” but no, it was downright stupid. May’s government seems at times determined to shoot themselves in the foot.

    Priti Patel’s meetings were clearly in breach of ministerial code, and as such it has to be reported. It’s really a question of emphasis. Yet I couldn’t help wondering how often these kind of meetings go on unremarked and if, had the country in question not been Israel, would the reaction have been the same? I can’t really say if this is bias or not. All I can say is that on matters relating to Israel the BBC has form.


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