Sunday 19 May 2019

The usual Eurovision post

I find that the best way to watch the Eurovision Song Contest, if you feel the need to watch it, is with the sound firmly off. 

BBC News Channel megastar Simon McCoy was on Twitter last night and, I think, must have kept the sound on.

His tweets about it made me smile and laugh. So I'll share some of the best of them with you here, dear readers:

  • For this who remember Eurovision tweets a few years ago...if I can find a good bottle of red I shall be live tweeting during this year’s ceremony.
  • Just over three hours to go...and a first glass of wine.
  • Praying for a power cut.
  • Czech entry...that drummer needs to get out more. Do they have a clothing budget?
  • Bloody Hell...first bottle of red has gone...
  • Russia now. Novocheck this out.
  • Graham says he has  a great voice.  Bad night then.
  • 48 minutes in... and  A TUNE!!!
  • This song is catchy. Like mumps. 
  • Do they not have autotune? 
  • How did he ever think he was a singer? Na na na na.
  • Get a room. With no microphones. 
  • Creepy, says Graham. Unfair to creeps, say I.
  • I cheered with the crowd just then. We all thought the song was over.
  • Have switched to...ouzo.
  • Dear Madonna, Mistake, Simon.
  • The Norwegian judge said he was just enjoying the show. How do I trust his voting? 
  • What’s on ITV? 
  • Last. Place. Proud.
  • Eurexit.
  • Dutch. Courage. That’s what kept me going.
  • To all Eurovision followers. Let’s all get a life. See you next year. 


  1. "The real winner of Eurovision was Israel:

  2. David Collier tweeted this about it:

    "All those watching Eurovision who are amazed at the diverse beauty of Israel - should go and see it for themselves. I can promise you that in real life, Israel is even more beautiful, even more breathtaking and even more diverse than even this stunning footage can get across."

    P.S. A tweet from Julie Lenarz:

    "Iceland’s Eurovision BDSM band has accused Israel of apartheid - where else in the Middle East could they perform their grotesque show? Where else wave the LGBT flag into the camera? The cognitive dissonance!!!"

  3. I've always seen The Eurovision Song Contest as car crash tv. I think that's why we always watch it. But I always laugh when contestants annually remind us that the competition is all about good music. Well, not for me it isn't. It just seems to get worse year on year. Didn't even like the winning song. Sounded like a chant you might hear in a Football ground on a Saturday afternoon.

    Of course with the show running late our own late evening BBC News with Kate Silverton ( I can't read that damn autocue.. so she gave me yet another delivery hiccup for my blooper tape). Well that bulletin came on at 12:15 Sunday morning. But twice the BBC avoided telling us that we (Britain) actually came last in the competition, preferring to say that 'Once again we didn't o very well.'

    Interestingly Huw Edwards (Annual salary...£529,000) was strangley absent all last week on the Ten O' Clock evening News. So instead we saw Clive Myrie every single night... Saturday night then Monday all the way to Friday. Don't these guys have a home domestic family life?
    Perhaps it was his reward for his recent outlandish statement when he said on Live tv "But that would be catastrophic for Britain and the E.U if we were to crash out of Europe.'

    John....N. London.


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