Wednesday 16 August 2017


Goodness me. What is going on?  

Is this the end of the story



  1. Dear oh dear, Champion has to resign from Shadow Cabinet for telling the truth about Muslim rape gangs, while Trump is being pilloried for telling the truth about "anti-fascist" violence, including by our own PM.

    It's clear that more than free speech is under concerted attack.

    1. Absolutely. PC-leftist globalism is now rubbing against reality (culture, religous belief systems, history, genetics, economics, art) and something has to give. As far as PC globalism is concerned it's free speech that has to give - in order that it an colonise more reality and replace it with its essentially fictional narrative. Shaming to have our pretend PM deny that there is any equivalence between Stalin or Mao and Hitler or Mussolini.

  2. Reckon she's hit the end of the political road. She's a coward and always has been. Indicisive and vague. Now she's been caught out trying to blame the Sun for adding inflammatory sentences to her article when she had the say on the final copy, the BBC will have a field day. Easy for the well oiled machine, and pathetic indeed.
    Goodbye Sarah.

    1. Indeed, can't see her staying long as an MP, at least in present constituency where she needs the Muslim vote.

      She needed to decide long ago whether she is for "women and equality" or just wants to keep getting elected from a large Muslim constituency. Tried to be both and won't last.

      She won't be the last to go, no not at all. If they want Muslim votes then they have to abide my Muslim rules, simple as that. Seems Sharia May understands this.

  3. Can anybody explain to me why people make it so easy for the 'this is unacceptable' mob to wipe them off the windscreen of fact based opinion ?
    It's as if they commit social and political suicide as messily as possible. A bit of forethought would work wonders when you're dealing with the permanently outraged. Murray does it, why don't they watch and learn ?

    1. People can learn from Trump...ratchet up. If they don't like you referencing historical figures from the South, mention slave owners like Washington and Jefferson. If they don't like that mention that the Democratic Party was the party of the white South and the KKK. But Champion is gutless and not very bright methinks.

    2. He's another one though. What he said about C'ville is factually correct, but the way it comes out of his cake hole just leaves hand rubbing progressive producers dancing with glee, and Sopel the opportunity to look even more tired of it all.
      He makes himself easy to edit.
      Trump has the opportunity to score on all fronts with a degree of verbal finesse and confrontational honesty, but he blows it with asides and then sulks when they nail him up.

    3. It's true...Trump could be more effective if he was, say, more like Robert Spencer (the MSM find it difficult to lay a finger on him in interview) but then he would not have got elected...I don't like everything about Trump and would never in any case trust a billionaire but my respect for him has grown (especially once I learnt - no thanks to the BBC - what his policies on trade and infrastructure were).

      He needs an ego the size of the solar system to soak up all that hate and derision from the media and their mates. Most people in his position would be lying prostate in a darkened room, a trembling wreck. But he seems to thrive on it all.

  4. I would never champion Champion for the following reasons:

    1. For the record I opposed fascism like all totalitarian systems, but it was a fascist party, the BNP that first blew the whistle on what was going on. Initially people like Champion supported them being prosecuted for saying nasty things about Islam.

    2. She laughed about Farage being imprisoned in an office in her constituency during the 2015 election campaign by a violent, intimidating mob of leftists. She had absolutely no concerns about free speech.

    3. She signed that recent letter trying to represent pro-Sharia followers of Islam as "victims".

    4. She couched her Sun article in racial terms beause she didn't have the guts to reference religion.

    1. But if she has realized the error of her ways ('Pakistani' is equivalent enough to Muslim, and the reaction is the same anyway), why not give her a little credit?

    2. Why not? Because she represents everything that is wrong in modern politics. To give her credit would only encourage her and those like her.

    3. The problem is she saw the truth and told it as she saw it. Then realized she was a politician, for labour, panicked and resigned.
      I imagine it was like an alcoholic having a moment of sobriety, then thinking better of it and heading to the offy for a bottle of cheap vodka.

    4. Some truth in what you say...but she was clearly in fear of deselection...the Corbynistas are on prowl looking for any soggy-leftist they can take down.

    5. I would have thought giving her a tiny bit of credit would be the high road to take, and an example to Leftie fascist purists that the evil Right is more open-minded and has more grace. Otherwise it's punish her from both sides pour encourager les autres.

    6. I really don't think Leftie Facsists worry about what you or I think any more than Right Wing Racistnazis. They just need to be presented with a rock hard democratic movement that is prepared to run them over and crush their bones, as we did in WW2 and the Cold War.

      Anyone not up for that now better exit via the tank turret (but know this: they won't listen to anything else but the cold steel of equal conviction).

  5. When the story first broke in Rotherham the only people who actually came out and admitted that there was a problem with the attitude of some Muslim men towards women were other Muslims. Where was Sarah Champion then? No doubt she was still clinging on to the “real victims” narrative.

    1. Ellie Fant-Indaroom16 August 2017 at 23:42

      Really? I don't remember it like that. BTW I replied to your last post on the AMW thread.

    2. Well I can. I don’t have instant recall so I can’t give you specific quotes. The point remains that the opportunity was missed. Thank you for you very detailed reply on the previous thread. You raised some interesting points. I didn’t reply because I didn’t feel I had any more to add.

      This morning Humphrys was actually very robust in his questioning of Yasmin Qureshi on this very subject, but despite his valiant efforts (for once), she simply wouldn’t address the question. The problem is I can remember similar robust interviews with Humphrys, and at that time Naughtie, over the Rushdie affair and Charlie Hebdo etc. I can even remember Humphrys suggesting, quite beligerently, to a rather extreme exponent of Sharia that he should think about leaving Britain for a Muslim country. But this is just an initial response - a kind of aberration. After that BBC groupthink takes over and any awkward questions are just shut down.

    3. Ellie Fant-Indaroom17 August 2017 at 13:16

      This is the earliest reference I can find to grooming gangs - it's from 2006 and shows it was the BNP* - who were publicising it and warning that there were gangs engaged in this activity all around the country.

      *I feel I am an anti-totalitarian and therefore to not support the BNP or similar FarRightRacist oufits. But that doesn't mean that in limited cases, like this one, they don't speak the truth before others. It took Champion 11 years from 2006 to admit there was a specific problem relating to a particular community.

    4. Ellie Fant-Indaroom17 August 2017 at 13:18

      Slightly garbled...meant to write "I feel obliged to say I am an anti-totalitarian and therefore do not..."

    5. Ellie, I’m not quite sure if you are responding to my original comment or if the quote you have posted is something completely different. I have no idea what is the earliest reference to the grooming scandal. But when the story first broke in the mainstream press there were a few Muslim voices who spoke out regarding the attitude of Muslim men towards women. I can’t remember who they were. Significantly they were female voices. Maybe you think I have invented that, or I am suffering with false memory syndrome. What I think is the more important point, and I am already repeating myself, is that there was an opportunity for a conversation to begin. As we all know, for all the reasons that are endlessly discussed on this blog, it never happened.


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