Friday 26 October 2018

Reality Recheck

Further to yesterday's post about the BBC's Reality Check being giving its own reality check by Tom Slater of spiked, Tom has now written a piece about it for The Spectator headlined The BBC is wrong: university censorship is definitely not a myth. He describes the BBC's report as "incredibly partial" and ends by saying:
And it’s also ironic that on Wednesday, 24 hours after the BBC ‘Fact Check’ was published, students at Oxford voted to ban a controversial Christian group from Lady Margaret Hall. If campus censorship is a myth, someone should probably tell them.


  1. BBC Reality Cheat just claiming that wind is the cheapest power.
    Which is of course rubbish, otherwise the subsidy would have already been abolished .

    At a glance one thing stands out
    "This study - commissioned by Scottish Power - found that onshore wind is the cheapest form of new-build electricity generation available in the UK today."

    That is the same Scottish Power which has has just started a PR campaign saying "We supply 100 wind power" after they sold their conventional power stations to Drax

    1. I understand that power generated by offshore wind turbines positioned off the west coast of Scotland is fed by cables in the order of 300 miles long into the grid on the Wirral Peninsula through the Shotton Steelworks power infrastructure working 'in reverse'. Is it Scottish?

    2. Onshore windpower is probably the cheapest form of electricity generation now - especially in the UK where we have such an abundant wind resource. But of course it is intermittent and so until we solve the storage problem it can't be a complete solution.

  2. Ah since I had to hack the Speccie page to see the comments I will share some
    \\..I thought University censorship was an acknowledged fully fledged thing ....e.g. the University of Southampton who wanted to erase / censor the mural depicting dead WW1 students from the University who fought and died in the war .

    They wanted to censor / erase them , by painting over the mural //

    \\ Like Snopes, "Fact Check" is often ideologically-motivated tripe.//

    \\“Stranger still is the incredibly partial way in which the BBC has looked at the issue of speaker bans”

    Not strange to anybody who has watched BBC’s news and currents affairs coverage in recent years //

    \\ Even worse than speaker bans was Bath Spa banning a research project deemed offensive to the trans lobby. //

    1. To be fair, I think Snopes is a hundred times better than Reality Check. RC is all over the place but Snopes is far more focussed (albeit focussed in the sins of the right as opposed to the left).


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