Tuesday 30 October 2018


It's not the BBC, it's not new, and you've probably seen it before, but it still makes me laugh. And if you haven't seen it before, enjoy!

It's Peter Lloyd, author of Stand By Your Manhood, versus comedienne Kate Smurthwaite on Sky News:


  1. Another comedian without a sense of humour. It might not be the BBC but it certainly sums up most of Radio 4 comedy. I avoided the term comedienne in the spirit of inclusivity.

    1. Hoot! Terry: Interesting to reflect that, on the other side of the Channel, French feminists are demanding the opposite process, so feminine versions of masculine nouns are being created eg 'un/une professeur'. Don't think their feministas have any more sense of humour than ours though!

    2. Sisyphus...so you are saying there is a difference between British and French feminism...does that mean we are allowed to say "Vive la difference!"? I doubt it.

    3. Seriously, I get the impression that feminists are thinner on the ground in France; also the ones I've seen in the media seem less eager to reach for their gelding-knife than anglo-saxon ones.

  2. Hat tip to the editor who let her melt-down continue for full effect as things moved on.

    1. Yes, I've had to watch it several times - winding up people like her is one of (the few) things I've been missing since I retired!

    2. Peter Lloyd is also annoying the PC crowd by pointing out that Halloween is a Celtic festival and it is cultural appropriation for any non-Celts to take part in it. :)

    3. Brilliant! In my part of the world there was a brief outbreak of trick or treating about 10 or 12 years ago but Halloween had been dying out (hardly any masks/witches' outfits in the shops) until tonight, when BBC Midlands News decided to relaunch the damned thing - their main interviewee? - a man with a field of PYO pumpkins.


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