Sunday 12 May 2019

Don’t go there!

Blimey, they’ve sure got it in for Carl Benjamin. Look at "Cornwall Live". If I'd known that Sargon and Milo were going to be on Lemon Quay I'd have stayed away even more than I already did.

(Not her own vagina, disappointingly)

It was even worse on the local Sunday Politics.  I haven’t had a chance to watch it all yet, but from what I saw at the beginning of the programme, it’s getting beyond ridiculous.


  1. They're going to turn the whole thing into a movie: "Bring Me the Head of Carlos Benjamino"...

    (This joke is unlikely to make sense to anyone under 55).

    1. That awful bloody film: Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia. Killing after killing after killing.


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