Friday 23 June 2017

Lord Prescott v Huw Edwards

Following Eddie Mair's interview with Boris Johnson on Wednesday's PM this exchange ensued on Twitter:

Incidentally, Wednesday night's Newsnight also covered it with Evan Davis playing a clip and saying:
Now that point was forcefully made to the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson this afternoon, when he was interviewed by Eddie Mair on Radio 4's PM programme. Mr Johnson tried to rebut it, but it didn't go well.


  1. Imagine if it turned out John and Di had a love child, and it was David Lammy?

  2. I think this is what the Americans call running interference. Prescott and Edwards are playing for the same team but Prescott is running interference, in order to allow the BBC the better to bring Boris down. As I predicted before, Boris was and remains No.1 target for the BBC. It's no good them removing May if they get Boris. Boris is popular and they know it. They have to get May out and someone like Hammond or Rudd in - a reliable Remainer who could in time deliver a second referendum but at the minimum will deliver a long departure lounge wait, or someone who will lose to Corbyn.

    1. They always like to ask ministers about issues way outside their remit. You're supposed to pretend that all cabinet ministers know every last detail about the full breadth of government policy on all issues.

      If you're wondering if they told Boris what they were going to ask beforehand, and he should have been prepared for that first question, Today is also well known for 'ambush interviews', where they lie to the guest about what they're going to cover and ask about something else.

      Not to excuse Boris that much, though. He did poorly even when talking about generalities.

  3. Boris gave a very poor showing, but hardly as disastrous as Diane Abbott's last three car crashes, or several other Labour figure appearances I can think of.


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