I might as well join the rest of the virtue-signalling community and boast that when me and Craig have nothing to say, we say nothing. Nothing much, anyway.
It didn’t take long for the usuals to start politicising Grenfell Tower, did it?
I see Laura Perrins is on Question Time tonight, as is Emily Thornberry. Might be worth staying awake for. Go Laura! (g’wan g’wan)
I listened to Jeremy Bowen’s puff piece about Yassir Arafat. Another terrible piece. He’s obviously an Arafat admirer , like Barbara Plett - and I do believe Bowen thinks the discredited polonium story is feasible.
Hugo Rifkind(£) thinks the naturally irascible Corbyn has learned not to be too grumpy in front of the cameras.
“When an ITV reporter asked him a year ago whether he wanted there to be a general election, nobody forced him to say, irritably, “I’m being harassed!”, before storming off to hide behind what turned out to be, awkwardly, a glass door. This is who Jeremy Corbyn was. He was tetchy and he was incompetent, and if anybody with any sense was going to vote for him, then everything any of us knew about anything was wrong.”
He learnt to smile and jest specially for the campaign.
“…..a pivotal moment in this election came during Corbyn’s interview with Jeremy Paxman, when Paxman, in full Spanish inquisition mode, asked him why the Labour manifesto included nothing on Corbyn’s long-held ambition of scrapping the monarchy. “There’s nothing in there because we’re not going to do it,” retorted Corbyn, visibly amused. Hidden beneath the audience’s guffaws, this was the sound of a man wryly acknowledging the fundamental impracticality of his own radicalism. All of a sudden, Jeremy Corbyn was a moderate.”
There are signs that he has reverted.
The BBC may be going overboard with its Grenfell Tower coverage. Sky is the same. All the other stuff that was so important before the disaster has evaporated - obviously the distressing, heart-rending human interest element of this terrible fire makes everything else pale into insignificance, but at the same time continuous interviews with people who knew someone who knew someone who knew someone who is missing or killed, is not ‘news’. Dragging it out too long in a mawkish and voyeuristic way diminishes the tragedy, if anything .