Saturday 27 June 2020

New slogan

Reacting to an edition of Woman's Hour, Labour Against Antisemitism's Euan Philipps asked the following question:
In the last few days the BBC has platformed Brian Eno, Zarah Sultana, Richard Burgon, Matt Wrack, & Novara’s Michael Walker. The connection? They’ve all promoted apparently antisemitic views over recent years. Why does the BBC turn a blind eye to racism against Jews? 
I have to say that I'm not in favour of no-platforming, and don't see how the BBC could possibly get away with no-platforming sitting Labour MPs anyhow, but antisemites (in whatever position) must be held to account for their antisemitism whenever the BBC grants them a platform. 

As we're in an age of slogans, how about "No free rides for antisemites!"? 

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