Sunday 10 July 2016

"Who speaks for those who want to remain in the EU?"

If there was one question on Mark Mardell's mind on last week's The World This Weekend with Mark Mardell is was, "Who now speaks for that 48% who voted Remain?"

It was also the Brexit-related question on his mind this week. Here's how he phrased it today: "Who speaks for those who want to remain in the EU?"

After going to last week's March of the 0.17% of the Population who Attended the March, this week he went to another gathering of disgruntled Remainers. 

He's incorrigible.


  1. Who now speaks for that portion of the 48% who always wanted to vote Leave but were frightened into voting Remain, eh? Answer that, Mardello!

  2. Remember when Mardell was equally concerned about who speaks for the 48% who didn't vote for his beloved Obamessiah? Yeah, me neither.

    It's not just the disgusting Mardell whose responsible for this, either. He doesn't act in a vacuum. His editor and producer and whatever the equivalent of a line manager is for presenters all have to approve of the agenda he's pushing.


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