Saturday 16 September 2017

Accentuating the negative

Catching up with other matters (and with considerable thanks to a reader for helping me do so), the BBC engaged in some strange reporting this past week over Sir James Dyson's latest pronouncements over Brexit. 

Sir James was and is, as you'll probably know, an enthusiast for the prospects of a post-Brexit Britain, but you wouldn't have known it from the BBC's initial reporting of his latest interviews. 

Where Sky News was going with the headline UK should make a 'clean break' from EU, says James Dyson the BBC chose to go with Sir James Dyson expects no Brexit deal

If you read the BBC and the Sky reports side-by-side I suspect you'll agree that the BBC was bringing the negatives to the fore, turning it into a 'bad news' story, while Sky was presenting Sir James's views much more in the round. 

You'd think the BBC had an anti-Brexit bias from such reporting, wouldn't you?


  1. Yes, the thrust of Sir James's comments was that the EU are a smallish and stagnant market as far as his business is concerned. The traditional Commonwealth markets and countries with expanding economies such as China etc are driving a rapid expansion in demand for his products.

    With all pointers indicating that the UK economy has not suffered from the effects of Brexit to anything like the extent predicted in the BBC's doom-laden reporting since the referendum, Dyson's comments should be valued, not twisted to provide a counter narrative. I'm surprised he is prepared to speak to anyone from the BBC.

  2. You can judge the extent of the BBC's biased narrative by comparing these two interviews with Sir James Dyson, this one as above, and an earlier one from March 2017:

    In the March 2017 article, he expresses exactly the same views - Then, Sir James said: "Europe's only 15% of the global market and the really fast-expanding markets are in the Far East".

    How is it that the BBC won't dare to repeat their headline from March?

    ... Dyson 'enormously optimistic' about postBrexit trade.... Clearly, Sir James hasn't changed his view between March and September 2017 - so why would the BBC put such a negative slant to this recent news story.?

    I think we all know - sour grapes.


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