Sunday 3 September 2017

Déjà vu

The table where Mark Mardell will be dining today?

Good grief, Mark Mardell's back at the Villa d'Este on the shores of Lake Como again! He's become quite the regular there over the past year or so. 

(Not that I'm envious, but I've always wanted to holiday at Lake Como and would love it if my work would send me there a couple of times a year like MM. No chance of that though.)

Mark was there to hobnob with the European elite, listen to M. Barnier and report their views. Unusually, we also heard from a Eurosceptic too - one Geert Wilders.

There was a fascinating interview with Niall Ferguson, where (among many other things) he accused media organisations, including the BBC, of misreporting the Trump presidency.


  1. ... I've always wanted to holiday at Lake Como and would love it if my work would send me there a couple of times a year like MM...

    There are not many employers who can threaten their customers with criminal proceedings if they don't pay up, and then spend the firm's income in a way that allows employees to enjoy the indulgent lavish lifestyle that MM and his colleagues take for granted. That then, these broadcasters push an anti privilege, anti big business, anti Brexit agenda, is where the hypocrisy lies. The EU, MM's patch, is like a super-sized BBC where luxury abounds and has become expected as of right. Privilege? If he couldn't match the EUoids blow for blow on expense account spending, how could he be taken seriously?

  2. It was unusual,while the presentation was the usual BBC-approved pro-Remain Brexit-undermining twaddle, here were two guests with a bit of zip to them who weren't going to be browbeaten by some overpaid, overprivileged, overindulging mind-bender from the BBC. No doubt an internal inquiry is being conducted as to how this state of affairs was allowed.


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