Wednesday 27 March 2019

Open Thread

Apologies if things are a little quiet hereabouts for a while, but please pour yourself another large glass at the BBC licence fee payer's expense and settle down with your favourite slippers for the latest open thread.



  1. Sweeney: A Royale pain in the...

    he must spend all day on twitter liking every BBC and BBC colleague tweet.

    Guess someone has to.

    1. Yes, R John 'likes' the BBC a LOT, though he has plenty of very BBC dislikes too.

      Talking of Sweeney Todd the Demon Panorama Presenter...

      I'm off on holiday tomorrow. And I might just reveal here and now that Rob Burley's flying me to the moon (at John Sweeney's expense. Where does John get the money?) on one of planet-destroying Richard Branson's space shuttles. I'm intending, whilst there, to look back towards our beloved pale blue dot and glare at BBC Salford Quays with the ferocity of Ming the Merciless's death ray. I've not mentioned that bit to Rob though.

      (This comment comes after one-too-many pre-holiday flaming Sambucas and limoncellos).

    2. Enjoy your holiday Craig. Perhaps after a period away, you will have the time to reflect, understand, and then report back to us what happened to our parliament, democracy, cabinet responsibility and Theresa May's promises.

    3. Hope you are back before the 29th Craig...should we "fall off a cliff", "crash out of the EU", "suffer a disorderly exit", I am reliably informed by the BBC that planes will fall out of the sky, boats will sink and roads will melt under the heat generated by accelerated Brexit-induced climate change.

    4. If the Four Horsemen of the Brexitapocalypse arrive on the 29th they'll find me with my shorts and sunglasses on. And their horses will be welcome to drink out of our swimming pool, #despiteBrexit.

  2. Hope you enjoy your holiday and that it is a true holiday, free as a bird and free in thought from the whole lot of them: BBC, media, politicians, strife and chaos.

    1. Thank you. Hoping to see plenty of hoopoes.

      I saw lots of them in Portugal last time. Spectacular, delightful little birds.

      Unfortunately, hoopoes featured in a heroic role in a Salman Rushdie novel ('Haroun and the Sea of Stories').

      Is there ANYTHING I like that won't see us banned for being 'Islamophobic'?

    2. What about the golden plover? A photo of one I saw on the Radio 4 schedule recently, referencing tweet of the day, looked amazing but nothing like one I saw on holiday in Orkney - at least I thought it was one but now I'm thinking it can't have been. I've never read a Rushdie book.

  3. Enjoy your hol. and give your liver hell!
    Don't worry about having nothing to occupy your time when you get back - having played a major part in destroying our democracy, the Beeb will be seeking New worlds to conquer!

  4. "The party, which has 10 MPs in the Commons, received £1bn as part of a confidence and supply agreement with the Tories after the last election"

    From the BBC website right now. Which would make the DUP by far the richest party in UK (or even US) politics. If it were true.

    1. I don’t think the money goes directly to DUP. I’m assuming it goes into NI economy or infrastructure as extra budget

    2. Please do remember to use the party's official name per the BBC: "theDUPwhichpropsupthetorygovernment"

    3. Ha it's just been stealth edited at 5pm
      \\ The party, which has 10 MPs in the Commons, negotiated £1bn in spending for Northern Ireland as part of a confidence and supply agreement with the Tories - giving the government a working majority.//

      There's been 10 edit stages to that article

    4. My only surprise is that the BBC haven't launched a campaign against Newssniffer as a "dangerous Far Right website creating conflict in an already divided society" amid calls for it to be taken down.

  5. Some thoughts:

    1. The DUP can bring down the May government without necessarily bringing down a Conservative government. They are the only ones who can call her bluff.

    2. Why are the BBC and UK MSM pretending that "no one knows what's going to happen" when it all seems to be shaping up in line with Olly Robins' leaked conversation and other evidence of plotting with Merkel. Robins specifically stated the recalcitrant pro-Brexiters in the Conservative Party would be offered a choice between May's deal and a very long extension of the Article 50 countdown. That's exactly what they face. May is quite prepared to destroy the Conservative Party, renege on her commitments and manifesto and plunge the country into years more uncertainty and chaos.

    3. Gerard Battern suspects also that a 3 month Article 50 delay may be used to engineer things so that they can avoid holding EU elections, after which with a further extension it will be argued that there is now no requirement to hold them. He's been right about most things so far...

    4. Never forget that Blair is actively working with Macron and other European leaders to reverse the Brexit decision.

  6. If the ERG secede from the Conservatives, what name do you think their party should adopt to achieve maximum impact? I'd suggest Democratic Conservatives, as it will remind everyone of the cause of the split - the refusal of Remainer MPs to deliver on the promise made to the electorate regarding implementation of the Referendum decision.

    1. Let's just hope their sinews are stiffer than Esther McVey's!

    2. McVey used to be the McCanns' PR person...

  7. Dreadful interview with Dame Louise Casey on WATO (Sarah Montague interviewing). I don't have a major problem with Casey, as an individual - she seems in many ways a compassionate and commonsensical sort of person but she is clearly out of her depth wading into the "extremism" debate. Montague allowed all her naive assertions to go unchallenged whilst encouraging her to focus everything on the "Far Right" - which has now become a kind of semi-mythical beast (with the BBC working up the scantest of documented material like some medieval illustrator of a bestiary).

    Casey is essentially a charity worker who ended up getting over-promoted (because it suited devious Blair). She seems to subscribe fully to the "equivalence" narrative being pushed so strongly by the Guardian-BBC-Sharia lobby at the moment. This is a very nasty development - the lobby is already targetting Melanie Phillips for instance, trying to shut her down (they haven't forgiven her for the Londonistan book, her strong support of Israel and her eviscerating of the pathetic Nish Kumar on QT).

    Casey ended up sounding quite pathetic. She complained she had been criticsed for suggesting it would be a good idea for all migrants to speak English - this would mean a woman suffering from domestic violence coudl indepedently visit her GP unaccompanied by a male incredibly naive! We all know why some female migrants (not Polish Christian women we can deduce I think) are accompanied to the GP by their husbands - whether they could manage a bit of English would make no difference to being under the supervision of a male guardian. Even assuming they did go to the GP independently and raised a complaint about domestic violence, they would then be placing themselves at risk of fatal violence as we have seen over the years through various criminal cases. In reality the only option for a woman in those circumstances would be to seek the protection of her own family or take a case to the local Sharia court where she might get some limited protection.

    That Casey can make such a naive comment totally discredits her in my eyes. But for the BBC she is a "useful idiot" - an essentially sensible person prepared to go along with the "equivalence" narrative. I am going to christen* that "BEN" as in "Bogus Equivalence Narrative".

    * There's a word you don't hear much these days. :)

    1. I think the BBC equivalence line along with omission bias has completely succeeded with the Utrecht shootings. The main BBC story online makes no mention of religion, no mention of attackers description and says that ‘mosques are closed because of security concerns’.

      So readers are completely in the dark about motive. The mosque comment muddy the waters even more.

      Elsewhere, other reports are more revealing (or more honest).

    2. Yep, lots of people on BBBC noting how slow the BBC are to release details of the gunman (couple of hours since the authorities gave details and the BBC still hasn't released details). This is quite serious as many British people in the Netherlands will rely on the BBC for news and will thus not be alerted to the alleged perpetrator's description. Why?

      The BBC has however upgraded the description from "man" to "gunman". Can "militant" be far behind? I guess they are hoping the Dutch authorities will declare it a "mental health" incident and it can all be consigned to the memory hole.

    3. Yes on BBC Midnight News it was already demoted to item 3 and reported as a "gunman". MSM is full of entreaties not to speculate about motives etc., etc..

      How very unlike the Christchurch atrocity whereupon they was an immediate MSM stampede led by the BBC to indite the right and Trump.

  8. Six o clock news has downgraded the Utrecht attack to "an incident involving a man shooting"
    Nothing to see here now move along, lets continue the dewey eyed fawning over the NZ Prime minister..

    1. Yep, she's the latest "Kandoonorong" - since Trudeau blotted his copybook...

  9. I am sure that along with Baroness Warsi, Owen Jones, and Brandon Lewis we will all wish to condemn the outrageous Islamophobia directed at Ilhan Omar, newly elected Congresswoman in the USA.

    All she has done is to have wished ill for Israel, indulged in antisemitic tropes, and - it now seems - engaged in some dodgy immigration practices to get herself accepted as an American citizen.

    Will the Islamophobia never end?

  10. So who is Bercow in league with? Who is directing him one wonders? Clearly he dines out with Kenneth Clarke. Clarke did say he would vote May's deal...So much duplicity and deception who can say?

    1. M.B, How is Bercow STILL there. We all know his true take on Brexit and how he's been colluding with Ken Clark, a failed political dinosaur thanks to his pro E.U stance.
      He's a showman that will not give up his starring role. And everyone in the House has failed to have him removed.


    2. I'm beginning to wonder if he is, in fact, in league with anyone. Could it just be that his, apparently unfettered, power has gone to his head & that, like many little men, he enjoys throwing his weight about? It's been obvious recently that, every time he reaches a controversial decision, he's looking up at the press gallery - for recognition or approval?

    3. Sis,

      It's true he has always been a grandstanding prat. But there is more to this than just ego. We know Margaret Beckett was keen to keep him in the job when he was under pressure regarding sexist bullying allegations arguing (with supreme cyncism) that he would rule the right way when crucial Brexit decisions were to be taken. We know he told students that he voted Remain. We know he meets with, dines with Ken Clarke. We know Blair talks to Macron. We Grieve is a proud recipient of the Legion d'Honneur. We know that Grieve also is close to Macron...

      Politics is 50-50 cock-up and conspiracy.

      There is definitely a conspiracy afoot to stop Brexit - it started on 24th June 2016.

    4. MB,

      I'm convinced there's a conspiracy, but what I don't begin to understand is how on earth our two main parties think they're going to get away with it. I, for one, can't wait to begin reprisals by voting for a new centre-right party, formed around ERG. Trouble is the enemy have taken the 'radio station'!

      But the radio station isn't all they've taken: there's an exposé on Foreign Office in today's Telegraph which claims it is almost entirely in hands of Remainers. Strengthens my belief that Boris was set up over a number of issues.

  11. Maitlis out of control again on Newsnight - but she'll probably get another RTS award as a result. She had no problem with the other 3 interviewees but as soon as Claire Fox had the temerity to suggest that a Remain dominated Commons was creating a crisis of confidence in democracy by overturning the pro-Brexit vote of the people, Maitlis was "off"...just repeating OCD style that wonderfully honourable MPs were voting with their conscience in line with our wonderful representative democracy. At the end of the debate she closed with "Shush Claire".

  12. I see the Archbishop of Canterbury is also joining the Guardian-BBC-Sharia lobby in promoting BEN - the "Bogus Equivalence Narrative". Well done Justin. Your reward awaits you in Heaven, or at least a special sort of Heaven.

  13. Interesting - mentioned on BBBC...

    I remember seeing some of this footage and thinking "there's something odd about that"...

    Seems like Panorama might not only be faking anti-TR stuff but also atrocity propaganda - and getting involved with hardline Islamist groups.

    1. MB,
      Hadn't come across this before &, having seen it, I wonder how on earth they might have imagined they'd get away with it: to borrow from the Brexit lexicon, this was ham acting++! Just shows that they now firmly believe their own narrative that those who oppose them are dimwits!

      Talking of Brexit, I caught R4 1 o'clock news today & heard either Kuenssberg or Katya Adler say words to the effect of "The Government & EU have worked very hard to produce this deal." Can't be sure of which reporter or exact words because I was trying not to be squelched by lorries on French motorway at the time.

  14. Story in The Sun - BBC bosses were today accused of swallowing pro-Corbyn propaganda after claiming a teacher has been forced to clean the toilets in her school.

  15. Utrecht murders were terrorist attacks after all.

    MSM and Duch authorities did their best to obfuscate and are still trying to downplay an Islamist link. The BBC have buried the latest report deep in their website. It says a letter found in the assailants car reveals a motive.

    By and large, these attacks are now reported without attributing blame and dropped quickly - unless they are right wing.

    All done in the name of social cohesion but hardly impartial and balanced when you look at the ongoing Christchurch coverage.

    1. Makes Sky look ridiculous. They were making a big thing yesterday evening of a neighbour "Omar" who claimed it wasn't terrorism and that he was certain the woman first killed was known to the terrorist. Always the same pattern after one of these attacks: either he was a good man who attended prayers everyday and therefore couldn't have done it or he was a bad man seduced by Western ways and so it doesn't count.

    2. This report says there have been THREE arrests in the case:

      No mention of the other arrests in the report from the "world class" and "trusted" broadcaster, the BBC on their website.

  16. John Bercow's 'spanner in the works' intervention seems to be hailed by the BBC as a Remainer's delight - allowing a 'long delay'. Might that be somewhat premature? What about a no-deal by default?

    1. Evan was in seventh heaven.

      How do you think he'd react if Orban exercised his prerogative and vetoed an Article 50 extension?

      My betting would be on him having a seizure live on radion.

    2. We wish! Wonderful, & poetic justice, if it happened!

  17. You know how poor (Comedian and broadcaster) Ayesha Hazarika almost never is allowed on air
    ... she's on the R4 book prog at 4:30pm

    1. Yes she's only allowed on between 00:00 and 11:59 and then between 12:00 and 23:59. But it is a condition of her appearances that she not say anything that could be construed as even remotely humorous.

    2. She was on Radio 4 again yesterday, on Woman's Hour, discussing leadership with particular reference to the New Zealand PM and Muslims, hugs etc.

  18. There now seems to be a concerted effort in the BBC to establish Tory "Islamophobia" as an evil equal to Labour's anti-Semitism.

    TWATO today had a length feature on "Islamphobia" in the Tory party preceding a feature on anti-Semitism in the Labour party. The Tory "Islamophobia" feature was about some minor sounding disagreements in the Portsmouth party, but also wilfully and consistently blurred Islamophobia with racism. I see them as very different, but it's clear that our elites are attempting to join them.

    1. Yes, I referenced above there is a full-on Guardian-BBC-Sharia push to brainwash the public into accepting the bogus equivalence narrative (antisemitism-Islamophobia). As you say, the BBC is deliberately blurring the distinction between Islamorealism and racism. The reasons why are obvious - because it is the quickest way to shut down debate about Islam (necessary since an honest debate about Islam will threaten the whole PC project).

    2. And further equivalence ....

      The UK is to start issuing official threat-level warnings for far-right terrorism amid rising concerns about white supremacist murder attempts, the Guardian has learned.

      The threat levels will be issued following assessments by the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC), an elite Whitehall unit that already produces similar warnings for Islamist and Ireland-related terror.

    3. Listened to Laura Ingham show on Fox early today. It was noted that Linda Sasour and other far left activists in the USA are using the same "Islamophobia" charge to attack President Trump. The BBC really is part of a globalist conspiracy!

      Laura interviewed two female "reforming" Muslims. One made the interesting point that it's ok to criticize but "Islamphobia" is being used to prevent criticism and is thus an Islamist tool.

    4. Yes things are following a similar pattern - the Democrats have an antisemitism problem and this problem's emergence coincides with the election of people who follow a certain religion. Clue: it's not Buddhism.

  19. Retreat!!!

    The massed ranks of the PC advance guard (LGBT division) are fleeing in disarray as the Sharia shock troops repulse their attack.

  20. Strangely the BBC doesn't seem to have covered this. Nunes is suing Twitter for suppressing conservatives through shadow banning and applying double standards re abusive tweets (allowing Far Left to abuse conservatives and mainstream people).

  21. Across the media, everywhere except the BBC.

    Cops to quiz mum for ‘misgendering’ a transgender child on Twitter after TV debate
    Caroline Farrow, 44, has been told she must attend an interview with cops in Guildford, Surrey, after they received a complaint. She added that she was told if she refused she would be arrested.

  22. This isn't news. This is propaganda, pure and simple, pushing the Bogus Equivalence Narrative in this case, that opposing Sharia (sensible) is the equivalent of white supremacist ideology (wrong, stupid and unpleasant).

    The fact that this BBC propaganda, promoting demonstrably false equations, is being pushed on the back of a truly horrific terrorist incident makes it all the worse. The fact that it masquerades as "News" is also deeply reprehensible on the part of something that claims to be a trusted news organisation.

    1. Always trying to make it a racist incident. Islam is not a race.

  23. Nothing about this on the BBC who clearly want to have done with the story about the Utrecht tram shootings...

    1. Yes, they have moved on and buried it quickly. All focus will now be on right wing terrorism.

    2. Yep, the BBC - along with the rest of the UK MSM - will continue maginfying the ant and telling us it's as big as the tiger which wants to eat us.

  24. Very sad to see Nigel Farage accepting that there is a real thing called "Islamophobia" on Peston. It shows he is living in MSM Fantasy Land.

    What sensible person who cares about our wonderful culture built up over a thousand or more years could possibly consider voting for him or his virtual "Brexit Party"? Only UKIP, For Britain and SDP (on the basis Rod Liddle has joined them) seem possible votes in the circumstances.

    I think we shouldn't underestimate the courage of people like Gerard Batten and Rod Liddle who stand up against the PC cultural assault.

  25. Jonaya English, an Islamosceptic commentator - add her to the pantheon of PC martyrs along with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Geert Wilders, Theo van Gogh, Tommy Robinson and Richard Dawkins...

  26. Emily Maitlis is appointed top dog (hope I haven't misgendered her there), as chief presenter along with Kirsty Wark (who is to be given an "enhanced" role), and the Egregious Emma - Emma Barnett.

    The BBC PR is risible. Apparently having a single gender presentation team is a matter for celebration rather than concern in this instance. And then what to make of this gobbledegook from the programme's producer:

    "All three presenters bring substantial political clout and a wealth of expertise across a broad range of subjects."

    Political clout? Does she actually know the meaning of that phrase?? But it is a bold admission from the BBC that they are political players, not just disinterested observers.

    Anyway, well done Emily - all that out-of-control, hand-waving virtue signalling and persecution-by- interruption of Conservative politicians has paid off handsomely.

    Not sure why Kirsty Wark is being given an "enhanced" role. Yesterday she managed to get her Brexit outcomes mixed up in a question, so leaving Crispin Blunt completely flummoxed as to what she was on about. She had to apologise for getting mixed up. You don't really see ITV or Sky journalists make such crucial errors - they are much more professional and harder working as well. Both Maitlis and Wark are prone to make schoogirl errors .The addition of Emma Barnett can only rachet up the bias to a new level. Barnett is a Remainer to her bones and an unreflective PC airhead.

    1. Classic management speak trick - Wark was overlooked for the top job so management promised her an ‘enhanced’ role along with a pay rise to keep her onside. That’s how it works.

    2. Indeed, but not normally when the person in question is so incompetent they can barely cope with the basics of the job!

  27. Who was the lead presenter before this announcement then? I thought Kirsty Wark was the first-rank presenter along with Paxman and would have been the lead after he left.

    1. Evan Davis apparently.

    2. Ah, I forgot about him. He's left and so there hasn't been a lead presenter in the meantime, presumably.

    3. Yes, I think that's right, anon.

  28. Politics Live today had the obnoxious Soubry on. She started baiting Nigel Farage, almost as soon as he spoke. If it was sparked by something he said, I didn't catch it. He was very restrained, saying nothing to the tirade, beyond an initial retort. Watch to see what happened - it was some way into the programme.

    1. Appalling Soubry, Annoying Soubry...

  29. For me, the 12th April thing that Macron engineered has the fingerprints of Blair, Campbell and Grieve all over it.

    I think the clear intention is to panic Parliament into backing an extreme BRINO and second referendum and was also designed to prevent an ERG organised filibuster.

  30. I think this 12th April date is of dubious legality. This is what Article 50 states:

    "unless the European Council, in agreement with the Member State concerned, unanimously decides to extend this period"

    May asked for the extension to June. At what point did she agree to 12th April? It appeared from reports that the European Council inserted the 12 April date combined with the late May date. So it was NOT in agreement with what the UK requested.

    So this was a unilateral declaration by the European Council and so invalid under EU law (Article 50).

    Moreover, Article 50 makes clear the decision to withdraw has to be undertaken in line with the leaving state's "constitutional requirements". The leaving date of 29th March is effectively written into law, the only way the UK could reach agreement with the European Council is if that date sanctioned by statute was amended to allow for an extension to April or May.

    The Act concerned was v. straighforward:

    "The Prime Minister may notify, under Article 50(2) of the Treaty on European Union, the United Kingdom’s intention to withdraw from the EU."

    The power to extend the date relates to 50(3)not 50(2) so I can't see how May can on her own authority extend the date. So, the date remains 29 March. I'm not a lawyer so may well be wrong but it does seem "arguable" as my learned friends say.

    1. Not just me smelling a rat:

  31. According to Guido the person organising the Revoke Article 50 petition issued violent threats against May and other government members:

    Presumably the BBC will feature this heavily and the counter terrorism/hate crime units in the Police will swing into action with all alacrity. Yes, that was irony in case you were wondering.

  32. I'm thinking this hate crime won't feature on the BBC website any time soon...

  33. Not saying people have to be particularly interested in philosophy, but just pointing out there was a time (this was back in the 70s) when the BBC actually put out interesting and meaningful programmes.

    By the way, Bryan Magee, the interviewer (a moderate social democrat who opposed Michael Foot) was born of working class parents in Hoxton...when the UK was so unequal I guess.

    I am sure you could find equally engaging programming from the period dealing with sport, leisure, music, cookery and so on, without the huge overlay of PC virtue signalling we now have to put up with! :)

    The BBC won't do this sort of programming now because they hate the idea that people come to their own conclusions by reflecting on their experiences. They are simply a propagands machine. If they did a programme on Heidegger now it would simply be all about his association with the NS regime in Germany, which I don't think either of these philosophers actually touched on - because it has no bearing on the value or otherwise of the man's philosophy.

  34. Very pleasing to see Chris Morris’s facts being
    forensically dismantled. He is one of the BBCs finest producers of fake news. They proudly parade him everywhere but he is just peddling BBC groupthink.

    1. Well, when you witnessed, many years ago now, how the gullible and complicit BBC swallowed hook, line and sinker, the non-scientific statistical machinations of the climate fraudsters from UEA, you can't, surely, be surprised to find the same chicanery in place today. The BBC never knowingly employ reputable scientists and always follow the narrative. This simply illustrates, yet again, that the BBC is an organisation of activists, not impartial journalists abiding by their honourable but ignored Charter.

  35. Discussed over on BBBC -

    If the Idiot Monbiot was ever put in charge of UK policy I believe there would be mass starvation within a year. It would be like Venezuala only ten times worse.

    Remember,he wants to rewild ALL our sheep-based landscape. That's just for starters, before he bans the dairy industry. He would also close down the automotive industries that support the employment of millions. Mass unemployment, vegan rations - this guy is a dangerous extremist - and yet has the gall to lecture us on rational decision making.

  36. He is after all, a Guardian columnist. Just about any centre right publication is routinely derided as far right on BBC current affairs programs. When I hear a BBC commentator describe the Guardian as a far left propaganda sheet, which is essentially what it is, I will start believing that the BBC is not biased.

    1. It will never happen. The Guardian and The BBC are peas in a pod.

    2. Yep and Jill Rutter was introduced on the Week in Westminster as (per usual) an impartial "constitutional expert", not a member of an extreme, hardline Remainiac organisation (the Institute for Government) funded by extreme Remainiac Lord Sainsbury, which has only extreme Remainiacs on its board.

  37. John Sweeney is desperately virtue signalling on all the usual issues: Trump, Brexit etc in the vain hope that people in his world forget about his anti-gay, anti-Irish, anti-working class jokes and comments.

  38. In France at moment & 'deprived' of BBC TV (You know what I mean!) Am reading (with mounting disbelief) about the 1 million+ anti-Brexit demonstrators in London and wondering if they're taking up as much space as the (alleged) 200,000 demonstrators did a few months ago. Any thoughts?

    1. My view is that even if there were one million UK citizens marching it would make no difference to the fundamental issues. But optics are important...It's a shame the pro-Brexiteers are so divided. Farage, Batten and Mogg should be leading a ten million person march through London.

    2. MB: Agreed, but,sadly, spin seems to be what counts.

  39. There’s no real attempt to challenge the numbers - and the headline is “1 million protestors, organisers say” as I type this - it’s blatant bias.

    Consider the logistics of 1 million people, London would be grid locked.

    1. In any case what proportion of the claimed one million were UK citizens? 10%, 20%, 50%? Since when have citizens of foreign countries decided the fate of the UK?

    2. ‘Organisers say’ - what a casual and lazy way to report numbers but it fits the BBC narrative so why challenge. Once it’s out there it’s as good as fact.

    3. Despite Guido offering chapter and verse
      on what the "Revoker" petition organiser has been saying in the hate stakes, the Fake News BBC is running only with HER claims about death threats she has supposedly received and ignoring her hate-filled "gun" messages.

    4. Another classic propaganda trick by the new masters. (False justifications / Posturing)

    5. Viscount Braithwaite:

      Estimates the crowd number to be under 170,000. He has form for accurate mapping. The BBC figure of 1,000,000 in headline position on the News website appears to have been inflated to suit their narrative.

    6. Clockwork: Thanks, that's what I thought.

    7. I had assumed it was a white-supremacist demo as it appeared to involve virtually no people of colour:

      I suspect that a large proportion were in any case EU citizens who should have no influence in the decisions we democratically make for ourselves.

  40. I think 2016 was the watershed year, the year we tipped over from what could still be called a free society to what is essentially a controlled society, not so very different from say the DDR with mass surveillance and instant penalties for political opposition.

    In retrospect we can see that the globalist elite were never going to accept the populist pushback of Brexit, Trump and the anti-mass migration movements across Europe.

    To take our own example in the UK, the globalist campaign has been relentless:

    Nearly destroying UKIP as a political force...the neutralising of Boris by various means...the "fake hate" wave (people like Sweeney lying about a murder being Brexit-related)...disloyal Remainiacs like Blair and Grieve negotiating with Macron and others to stymie Brexit operating in a criticism-free zone...biased pro-Remain interviewing night after night after night...a "mass psychology" campaign undertaken by the BBC with a huge range of programmes designed to undermine people's confidence in their own judgement...allowing the Second Referendum campaign unending airtime (as Portillo now complains, quite rightly, every week on This Week, knowing it's coming to an end!) to sell their bogus people's vote (the rigged rerun)...Project Fear 2 to the max - endless negative stories...fake framing, so that "no deal" becomes an "extreme" option, when it is clearly in line with the 2016 Referendum decision...mass amnesia, so that the BBC forgets that MPs voted in their hundreds for the EU Referendum Act, or that the electorate were told hundreds of times that leaving the EU meant leaving the Customs Union and Single Market, or that a leaflet was sent to every household stating the decision would be implemented...uncritically amplifying the EU's propaganda...turning the Mail from a pro-Brexit to a pro-Remain outfit and neutralisation of the Express...persecution and exemplary (summary) punishments for those who were activist in their opposition PC globalism. That's just a brief summary.

    Someone should write a book but of course Amazon wouldn't list it and it wouldn't be reviewed by the BBC but Tom Watson would call for it to be banned.

  41. Diane Abbott reckons there were more than a million, nearer at least eleventeen thousand hundred on today's march.

    1. Diane Abbott also thinks that Remainers care more about their children than Leavers do.

  42. People need to view this - it's very important:

    This version of events will NEVER be aired on the BBC.

    Welcome to the UK-DDR 1984.


    I haven’t used the above but some simple maths:

    Let’s say 3 miles of crowds or 1.6km x 3 = 4800m
    Let’s assume the roads are 12m wide, so 4800m x 12m is 57,600m2.
    Let’s assume 4 people per m2, that’s a high assumption, 2 would probably be more accurate, so 57,600m2 x 4 = 230,400 people......

    We’ve got the aerial shots so a im sure a highly funded national broadcaster could work this out a little more accurately, reality check anyone?

    1. Yes, that's the method Viscount B used - except he assumed an even more generous 5 per M2.

    2. I doubt that it's possible for a march of that kind to get much higher than 2 per sq. metre. Try it out yourself. Even at 2 per sq. metre people will be constantly bumping into each other. So it's probably in reality lower than that.

  44. I would love to have been on the demonstration. Sadly I couldn't make it. If there'd been a group of us we could have carried banners that the Beeb would have had to avoid.





  45. Six sentences on Sunday evening on the BBC News website - Breaking News:

    ... 'Trump-Russia inquiry: President 'did not conspire with Russia' ...

    Other sources were telling us of this yesterday. What's the betting that the story will have been buried without trace by the morning?

    1. I am now on Zurcher Watch...normally he's only too eager to tweet...nothing so far. Perhaps he's having a meltdown...Anthony, if you're reading this we're here to help! :) Also concerned about James Naughtie, Mark Mardell and Robert More. They all need our aid and support at this difficult time when they find that 2 years of sniping, lies and innuendo have come to nothing, not even a hill of beans.

    2. I hadn't expected Zurcher to be in diversion mode so quickly.

      His twitter account is now leading with a tweet on a meaningless poll...

      ...suggesting "Trump can't win" (that SOOOO 2016!). Hmmmm....

      He had in fact already been tweeting on the Mueller report findings. After 2 years of suggesting that Trump was hand in glove with the Russians, given that Mueller has found no evidence to support that, Zurcher now has to suggest that there has been a conspiracy not to charge Trump with obstruction of justice! He has no shame.

  46. I’ve lost count the number of times the Mueller investigation has been lead news story on the main BBC One news.

    Jon Sopel and Nick Bryant repeatedly given a full 10 minutes to launch a character assassination time and time again.

    Tonight his exoneration wasn’t even lead story and was given just a couple of minutes with a somewhat qualified report from Sopel.

    That’s not unbiased and balanced but I guess we knew that’s how the BBC would handle it.

  47. Shameful stuff from Zurcher:

    "There was, as Donald Trump might say, "no collusion". At least, no evidence of it was unearthed."

    That second sentence is the antithesis of journalism and the apotheosis of bias. Actually the first sentence isn't too great either.

    We can only hope that Trump and his officials now investigate in full the illegal putsch against a legitimately elected President of which this (involving it would seem the active participation of our security services as well as those of the other 5 Eyes countries). My own view is that at the centre of the web of intrigue will be found John Brennan.

  48. How is the UK being turned into the UK-DDR?

    1. Control of the press. We have seen the Mail "turned" and the Express neutralised. These were huge victories for the PC globalists and I have no doubt have been long in the planning. Monopoly control of the press was a feature of the "People's Democracies" (like the DDR or "East Germany") which operated on Stalinist lines.

    2. Destruction of parties that are not PC Globalist approved and are perceived as a threat. How is this achieved? We don't know the whole story but sustained character assassination of leading members (using out-of-context quotes and so on), deliberate restriction of exposure on the media (compare and contrast how much time is given over to the small Lib Dem party), undercover reporting (if used on mainstream parties it would also uncover reprehensible behaviour but approved PC globalist parties are not subject to such treatment), takedown interviews, dirty tricks and infiltration. This was the formula used to neutralise UKIP, although Gerard Batten has rather amazingly revived the corpse and got it walking again.

    3. Creation of "control agencies". These now include Ofcom (a PC enforcer in the media world which leaves the BBC to get on with its gross bias), ASA (ensuring the commercial world follows PC rules), the Electoral Commission (increasingly being used to stymie the creation of new parties and undermine populist campaigns) and the Equalities Commission (being used as a legal sledgehammer to enforce adherence to PC globalist requirements). You can eventually see all these agencies working together to create a DDR style political system where there are licensed "opposition" parties (in East Germany there were Christian Democrat and Liberal parties allowed to exist - they just weren't allowed to influence policy at all, or to win elections too much!) but real power is retained by those those who have a monopoly on government.

    4. Media bias/PC propaganda. Of course pervasive propaganda was a hallmark of life in the DDR. This is now relentless across the media in the UK, especially on BBC, ITV and Sky. All three support the major tenets of PC globalism: the EU political project, mass immigration, multiculturalism, domination of the economy by the finance sector and global free trade. The propaganda is - as in the old DDR and Soviet Union - pretty much 24/7 and extends to drama, soaps, sport, history, game shows and all genres.

    5. Abolition of free speech. We are seeing the de facto abolition of free speech across society. We see quasi-legal intimidation (dubious police interventions), illegal intimidation (by Far Left and other hate mobs), de facto blasphemy laws for Sharia (via so called equalities legislation), censorship in the "public square" (Facebook, Twitter, Google, You Tube but also libraries and bookshops both online and real world), silencing of Islamosceptical voices and voices opposed to mass immigration on the BBC and in the rest of the MSM and differential free speech rights in public. Of course we also have mass surveillance that the DDR could only dream of. Always makes me laugh when BBC types tut-tut about the half a million DDR informants in one of their retrospectives! Our UK-DDR surveillance is much more extensive. We have millions of CCTV cameras. Every telephone call, shopping transaction, car journey, bank transaction, tweet, e mail or forum post is of course being monitored by the State. People who fall foul of the PC globalist ideology espoused by the authorities (in marked contrast to those who commit acts of random violence, burglaries, harrassment, fraud and so on) face draconian punishments and relentless persecution.

    1. MB, your comparison omits one key element - border control. It's quite possible that open borders are not feared because surveillance knows no bounds - everyone's identity (if they are law-abiding) and whereabouts can be established quickly and easily.

      I moved house not so long ago. Before I moved, a letter from my old local authority had been delivered to my new address. I hadn't informed them of the new address, merely that I was moving. The only organisations that knew were the DVLA and Sky. The local authority were able to obtain my new address either from the DVLA or from a credit agency associated with Sky. This raises the question of how safe is data stored? This information must have been obtained by phone or e-mail - there simply wasn't the time to fill out forms and rely on hard-copy through the post. As you say MB, ... ' Of course we also have mass surveillance that the DDR could only dream of.' ...

    2. True, but there are barriers of a kind. Brave people like Geert Wilders and Robert Spencer - both living under Jihadi death sentences - are prevented from visiting the UK.

  49. Radio 5 Live this morning - Emma "Ms Virtue" Barnett deliberately racialising and genderising the Brexit discussion, referring to 12 white male Brexiters going to see the PM. Virtually every political party in the UK will soon have a female leader once the Lib Dems replace Ancient Vince. Will Emma complain about that? Of course not. Does it affect party policy? - not much I would say.

    But why suggest that skin colour has something to do with the decision over Brexit?

    Doesn't this show that the BBC is devoted to promoting division, conflict and racist thinking?

  50. ... MPs have voted to take control of Commons business in an unprecedented move to try to find a majority for any Brexit option...

    as reported on the BBC News website has an ominous ring to it. We know that over 75% of MPs voted Remain. It isn't hard to predict the direction of travel - warmly supported by the BBC.

    1. I don't think the BBC will be happy with just a softer Brexit. They've got their tails up. Today they are pushing a "survey" by St John of Curtice (one of those figures they always tout as independent and objective, along with Jill Rutter of the Remainiac "Institute for Government", paid for by the Remainiac Lord Sainsbury).

      From the interview it appeared Curtice was pushing the line there is now a clear majority for Remain. So expect "Revoke" to be the next phase of the assault on democracy.

      I'm now beginning to wonder if I misheard what he said since the research he has just published doesn't seem to support it...

      Curtice works for NatCen, the National Centre for Social Research, a company limited by guarantee. Is it really a disinterested research organisation? Or is it a political player? Its chief executive seems concerned about a no deal Brexit, as well might any committed Remainer:

      No deal Brexit is the ultimate nightmare for Remainers - what if we left on No Deal and nothing bad happened? They want us at a minimum tied into the EU like Gulliver pinned to the ground by the Lilliputians with a thousand threads restricting his movement.

    2. Theresa May could, even now, recover by fulfilling her promise that no deal is better than a bad deal and facilitating the no deal outcome. At least then she would have the support of 17.4 million voters. If she is to appease any one group, why not the majority?

    3. Agreed but she ruled out no deal already.

    4. So which promise do we believe - no deal is better than a bad deal, or, we rule out no deal? JRM seems to have caved in: he says that its TM's bad deal or no Brexit. When push comes to shove, he too is content to sit back until 2022 with his cushy position as a Westminster MP. I had thought he was a man of principle, but over the last few days his resolve for a genuine Brexit has collapsed.

    5. They've all let us down, sadly.

      Michael Gove put personal advancement before implementing the Referendum result. David Davis was weak in negotiation (agreeing to the EU timetable) and allowed himself to be hoodwinked by May. Boris Johnson has been a bold soldier in print and a conscientious objector on the field. Dominic Raab should never have taken up the poisoned chalice. Andrea Leadsom has been instrumental in the underhand attempts to implement BRINO.

      So far only Steve Baker and Mark Francois seem to have shown any spirit at all.

  51. Lol I’ve kept my silence of late, surrounded as I am by vocal remainers, but today something snapped. I may have gone full postal via Facebook towards two friends who believe in the people’s vote.....couldn’t help myself. Oh well.

    1. Lol...tell them they are being divisive and that they should be looking to accommodate the views of the 52% who want to Leave! If that doesn't work remind them that Remain voters didn't know what they were voting for, as the EU had not come clean at that point on its plans for a single European Army and they didn't understand about the EU plans for a strategic agenda of co-operation with Communist China. :)

  52. Usual balanced panel on Newsnight three Remainers (including Emily, obviously) and one support of May's deal.

    The Newsnight fave Rachel Sylvester was useless as always. She again tried to claim that people were not told what leaving the EU meant prior to voting in 2016. This is absurd.

    The government leaflet for instance stated:

    "Remaining inside the EU guarantees our full access to its single market. By contrast, leaving creates uncertainty and risk"

    The leaflet rehearsed many other pro-Remain arguments about ease of travel, mobile phone roaming, policing and crime, the Customs Union and so on.

    In all the debates on TV a common theme was that we would have to leave the Single Market or Customs Union if we voted to leave. During the referendum campaign, the BBC (plus Sky and ITV) led virtually every day with a Project Fear story about a negative consequence of leaving the EU. We have chief police officer, ex generals, ambassador, doctors and a range of other "experts" telling us how awful things would be.

    The idea that people were unaware of the claimed (still to be proven) risks is absurd.

    Of course the BBC treat Rachel Sylvester as some goddess-oracle hanging on her every word when all she does is spout the usual Remainer bile and work to reverse the vote.

  53. Just to return to "independent and authoritative" John Curtice, so beloved of the BBC.

    Here is Curtice's NatCen baby WhatUKThinks- EU:

    Prominently displayed is a 54-46 Remain majority "poll of polls". I simply don't accept that reflects any sort of reality and in any case is not the relevant question now - a clear majority (including a big chunk of honourable Remainers) support us delivering on the vote. To think the Remain/Leave question is still to be decided is a mark of a committed Remainer, not a distinterested party.

    The website is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. "The ESRC Council is a committee of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) created under the Higher Education and Research Act 2017". You might ask what it's doing funding such a highly politicised project as this, especially when it has so many other worthwhile demands on its cash.

    The ESRC also funds "The UK in a Changing Europe" run by Anand Menon - who participates in Question Time and clearly opposes No Deal, likely a Remainer as well. Again, a highly politicised project.

    Who knows what passes between these people in private but I very much doubt it's "I'm so pleased we voted to get out of the undemocratic EU - what's taking place there is truly frightening. I only hope the elites allow us to follow up on the vote and get free of the EU. " or "I have no views on the subject."

    1. He's almost one of them and this latest provides a new line of attack for the BBC. The UKRI may be new but the ESRC is one of several research councils which have been around for a long time, funding research in e.g. medical, engineering, environment, or in ESRC's case, social, economic and public interest. The research councils would be well plugged into Brussels, with either representation or maybe an office there.

  54. Here's an interesting article about the science of counting crowds:

    I'd take the BBC and the media's one million marchers with a large pinch of salt.

    1. Only the BBC or a Remainiac could think there was a million in that crowd, let alone two million.

  55. The BBC (or at least Jeremy Vine) seems more relaxed than of late. Last Thursday I was listening to him during a break from handing out Rajar Listening Diaries and I really thought that he'd lost it - in a transactional analysis Child way when the Child is no longer 'in control of their environment'.
    I guess the feeling now at Broadcasting House is that the elite (controlled in part by the BBC) are back in charge.

  56. Emily looked relaxed and happy, especially when chatting happily with Remainers. The gloom seems to have lifted from the BBC.

  57. Not BBC but ex-BBC, so maybe it counts.

    I’m not sure if you have read Robert Peston’s tweets. I recently followed him and quickly discovered how much of a rabid remainer he is. As a senior political journalist I would have expected an attempt at relative impartiality - but no. Full on blatant bias, presumably groomed when at the BBC.

    1. He was originally Financial Times, where Euroenthusiasm and the Cult of Globalism holds sway!

      That said, I personally find his ITV reporting less tendentious than that of the BBC gang.

  58. This is a deeply illiberal government. Its first instincts are suppression, censorship and engineered consent.

    Try this thought experiment - what if, in the early 60s there had been a similar law to that proposed by Matt Hancock. Presumably the thalidomide scandal would have been covered up and perhaps millions of children would have been damaged unnecessarily.

    A free media is vital to exposing health dangers. This used to be a given in this country:

    By the way, Matt Hancock has always struck me as a very stupid and unreflective individual. The first I remember of him was hearing about how he sent an e mail containing the Conservative secret election plans to opposition MP Mike Hancock, instead of, yes, that's how stupid he is.

    How you can be that stupid and get a first in PPE from Oxford I'm not sure...but the two do seem compatible. How you can get a first in PPE and not realise how vitally important a free media is to our wellbeing I am not sure...but again the two phenomena seem compatible. Maybe it's the way they teach it in Oxford.

  59. A good article highlighting a number of legal concerns re May's behaviour since the unilateral EU Council extension, including at least one I mentioned above:

    1. MB: Had already read it - it is, indeed, very good.

  60. A big sigh of relief at the BBC because they can report Jussie Smollett as the victim again. A new video report and written report blurs the lines so they can continue with the original narrative.

  61. It has emerged that the far right are accessing jihadi material to learn about methods of attack - says the BBC radio report this morning.

    No source, no detail, just that short sentence and enough to sow the seeds of doubt in listeners minds. They must have read it in the Guardian and decided it was ‘their type of story’.

    1. Yes, I heard that report by Frank Gardner the reporter who was gravely injured in an unprovoked Far Right terrorist attack in the racist USA and sadly paralysed as a least I'm pretty sure it was a Far Right attack...I don't know, it's all so confusing now, thanks to the Bogus Equivalence Narrative pushed night and day by the BBC, Sky and ITV. It might have been an unprovoked terrorist attack by Jihadis in Saudi Arabia. It doesn't really matter any more. It's the narrative that counts.

  62. Nasty Norman (Norman Smith) on Today early this morning...

    He referred to several "Grand Wizards" of Brexit changing their minds...Grand Wizards? That's an odd term I thought. Where have I heard that used before in a political context - oh yeah, the KKK, that's where. Thanks Norman - we get the picture.

    As if a verbal virus had been let loose, we then had Frank Gardner a few minutes later referring to Far Right tech "wizards" - just to confirm that wizards are all Far Right Brexit supporters.

    The BBC: when they don't make you cry, they make you laugh. Otherwise it really would be tragic.

  63. The BBC and Guardian are featuring the words of Donald Tusk:

    ... 'Donald Tusk: 'Increasing majority' want to remain in EU' ...

    ... Speaking to MEPs, EU Council President Donald Tusk tells MEPs:

    “You cannot betray the six million who signed the petition to revoke Article 50, the one million people who marched for a People’s Vote, or the increasing majority of people who want to remain in the EU. They may feel they are not sufficiently represented by their UK parliament but they must feel they are represented by you in this chamber, because they are Europeans.”' ...

    So, the figure of 1 million marchers which has been comprehensively rejected has been incorporated into the BBC's and now the EU's history - disgraceful.

    1. Oh, and an inexplicably high proportion of petition signatories came from the London area.

    2. I could swear that I have heard Katya Adler tell me and other viewers multiple times that the scrupulously honest EU does not wish to get involved in our political and parliamentary debates. Hmmm...just another load of codswallop from Fraulein Adler then...

      Radio 4 are using the quote without correction (whilst always more than happy to correct another President T's factual errors). So this proves they are peddling Fake News,as if we needed any more proof. They also show no interest in establishing how many of the alleged 5 million petition signers are actually adult UK citizens.

  64. Evan Davis on "The Evan Davis Show" (aka PM)...seemed heavily invested in the Brexit process.

    Firstly, very unprofessionally he went on about his own Brexit anxiety feelings. He confessed to suffering anxiety about the "aggression and diviseness" associated with Brexit...anyone will know this is Remainer code for not liking Brexit full stop - the claim is that it is Brexiters who have created hate and diviseness by supporting Brexit. The truth is of course that if Remainers like Campbell (A and G), Cable, Blair, Hammond, Rudd, Umuna, Cooper, Bercow, all BBC journalists, most MSM journalists, the Guardian, Financial Times and George Soros had simply accepted the result and said to the Government: "Now implement the people's decision with all due diligence and speed.", there would be no divisiveness, no hate from Far Left hate mobs directed at Brexiters and people would have forgotten all about the high passions the Referendum campaign had released. If it all went pear-shaped, then no doubt one or more political parties would add "Reapply to join the EU" to their manifesto and I don't think a single Leave voter would object to their right to do so.

    1. ...and secondly...he rather rudely dismissed Tom Newton Dunn's analysis that May could get the votes for her (abject surrender) "deal". I've no idea if Newton Dunn is right - he seems a fairly astute observer of the political scene - but I am damn sure that Davis doesn't know any better than TND. I had the strong impression he was dismissing TND's analysis because he didn't WANT to believe it, not because he had any reason not to believe it.

  65. Apparently NZ Mosque Chairman, a favourite of Jacinda, blames the "usual suspects" at NZ love not hate rally...

    David Wood is always good.

    Will we hear anything about that speech on the BBC? I doubt it.


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