Sunday 3 March 2019

The BBC pulls the plug on a man with a pug

Ah, who's surprised by this censorious piece of BBC caving-in?

The BBC speaks:
We have been reviewing our new late night discussion programmes The Collective during the edit process.  
As with all new formats, robust editorial processes apply.  
In this case we have concluded that it’s not appropriate to include Mark Meechan as a contributor. The two programmes in which he featured will not be broadcast as part of any series.


  1. BBC HQ pulling rank on BBC Scotland?

    This was hardly surprising - only surprising he got invited in the first place.

  2. Hey sounds like the BBC caved in AFTER 2 progs were made.

    The BBC have recruited an edgy voice , used licence payers money to make 2 progs
    ..theh the Hatey No Hoper McCarthyites have shouted "No, this man should be a banned voice"
    and the BBC has suddenly caved in and binned the progs.

    They have banned a guy not for what he said in the prog, but for who he is.
    On what grounds can that be.

    The BBC often air activists who brag they have broken the law and are proud of it.

    1. The BBC has no problem with Ricky Tomlinson (promoted as a cuddly likeable uncle figure) appearing on its programmes. He has been a real political extremist all his life: first a member of the NF, then convicted of (and jailed for) offences related to violent picketing and finally ending up as a strong supporter of Scargill's Far Left "Socialist Labour Party" (and fierce opponent of Luciana Berger - what a surprise!)...

      But to be fair he did donate a million to Alder Hey Hospital - more than Tony Benn ever did (he left ALL his millions to his kids - how very bourgeois!).


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