Sunday 19 September 2021


It also wouldn't be Radio 4's Sunday without what I used to call "the usual airing of Muslim grievances". This week's programme plugged a book by two Muslim sisters. William Crawley described it as "very funny". The funny thing for me was that the passage they read out was "the usual airing of Muslim grievances":
Tariq: Sufya, there's enough bad press about Muslims without us joining in as well.
Me: I wasn't singling out Muslims.
Tariq: Look, it was OK when we were young, right. We could pretend it didn't matter then. We were just harmless Asians. But things have changed. I go into those meetings with the Home Secretary and all those excellent liberals that advise the big man. To them we are book burners, wife abusers, terrorists. That's how they see us. Most of them don't count me on their team, even though I'm sitting right in the middle of them.
Me: But I can't be on a team with all the fundis.
Tariq: They won't have you in the Islamophobes.

Did you🤣?

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