Saturday 14 December 2019

The wheels on the bus go round and round

Also following on from a point made on the 'Pheeww!' thread, here's former MEP David Campbell Bannerman registering his reaction to this week's Question Time on BBC One: 
I watched BBC Question Time tonight in incredulity: what is point of rerunning all these failed arguments as if election & massive vote yesterday didn’t happen? Massive vote for Boris Johnson yet hardly any in audience pro Boris!? Isn’t period of reflection from BBC Politics better?
Possibly, David, but business as usual is far more probable.


  1. I hope the BBC carry on with business as usual. In any case they are institutionally biased so can't change easily. The electorate (and viewers) are not stupid. They are already found out and will be signing their own death warrant.

  2. In my house there is a phenomenon known as "the letterbox groan" when for the umpteenth time some hate-baiter misquotes Boris Johnson's perfectly liberal though piece which argued for the right of Muslim women to cover their faces if they wished.

  3. "thought piece"!


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